a Blessing and a Curse

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Prompt: Soulmate Au. In this case, it's a situation where the first words you hear your soulmate say is tattooed (birthmark on your body. (when you have your first kiss with your soulmate, the tattoo will fade away, and be replaced by the soulmate's name)
Also, both soulmates have the mark in the same spot

My addition/Explanation
The reader is bored and lowkey depressed but gets a message that changes shit for her forever.

-Fucking rip reader's tattoo
-I'm your adopted ass sister in this lmao
-I have a kid in this and his name is Mattias bc that's my other name
-I can't give Biggie a real name bc it might be yours so skeet deal with it
-if you're allergic to dogs then rip you lmao you aren't anymore
-Bingo the dog in this is a tribute to my own late pupper, Bingo. She passed away a year back at age 16, we had to put her down. She was and is a good doggo
-the fence only goes up a bit past the waist-- kinda

Ever since birth, my family and I have done everything we could to hide my Soul Mark. It wasn't too hard, since mine happened to be on my ribcage, the first line spreading across the cage and a little under my breast while the next three lines spread underneath the first one.
Yes, four lines.
Hiding it was just a matter of always having a blanket on my infant self, and always having shirts on as a toddler. even swimming as a toddler, while some mothers would get their baby girl a cute suit like a baby bikini, my mother stayed with full one-piece suits. They were way harder to put on, but it did the job.

In my first years of school, the other kids would show me what they had, even if they didn't understand them, since we couldn't read all that well. They'd ask what mine was, but I was forced to say that I didn't want them to know.
I did want them to know because I couldn't see what was wrong with mine.
But my parents always told me; "Don't ever show anyone your Mark, okay?"
So, I never did.
And it's not like I could show them, even as a little kid I knew to never pull up my shirt in front of people.

Then my parents adopted a little baby girl named Maggy. I was seven and she was three. She had a Soul Mark so interesting that her old parents put her up for adoption.

"Draco can actually suck my enormous black horse cock."

She didn't understand it until later, but her and I got along really well.

It got harder when I was thirteen. By then, a lot of the other kids had already found their soulmate. We were starting to go through puberty and such, and I remember in health class we were asked to tell everyone what our Soul Mark said, or used to say.
Some kids had crazy things like; "I really didn't mean to hit you with my car, I'm so sorry."
And others had different things like; "Hello, I'll be your waitress this evening, what can I get you?"
I just told the teacher that I didn't want to share.

When I turned fifteen, I made a close friend. She ended up being the first person I'd tell what my Mark said because she was doomed with what seemed to be the worst Mark of all time.
And at this point in time, I knew what mine meant, but there was one thing about it neither her or I-- or my parents-- understood.
Mine was;

"They just pull it up, pulling up to the, to the roadside, to the curb with my 'free candy' van, you kids watch Zack and Cody?"

What was 'Zack and Cody'?

Regardless, my Soul Mark was concerning, because there was no context. we couldn't tell if my soulmate was a pedophile or a rapist, or if they were normal, and happened to say something weird.

SWEET LOVE -- Dan Avidan x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now