How's $60 Sound? Part One

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Prompt: I told my sister that I have a boyfriend so that she would stop setting me up with people but now she's coming to visit and I neeed you to pretend to be my boyfriend pls

Explaination/My addition:
Basically reader does that, but when her sister asks her questions about him, she accidentily describes dan, because he was the first thing that came to mind, or rather, the first single male that she knew that came to mind.  Dan is weird about it so she's like "fucking i'll pay you just pleaSE."

-sup bitch i'm your sister
-Adopted bc my race might not fit yours, it makes it easier too, in case gene wise nOTHING works out at all
-also if your name is maggy and its spelt the same way id be suprised but sorry if it is yo
-did i clarify that this is in an apartment??/

When I recieved the news that my adopted sister, Maggy, was going to be giving me a visit in the next few days, I was more shocked than I should have been.
I was shoched because she gave me warning two days prior to her arrival, yet wasn't shocked because I had grown up with her, and knew that she was exactly the type of person that would pull this fuckery.

I was scared shitless for her visit. 

Months ago, every second she could, Maggy was sending me photos of guys and trying to send me numbers of her friends.  So, in short, she was trying to set me up 24/7.  I knew there was only one way to silence her.

I lied.

I told her I had a boyfriend, just so that she'd cut me some slack and leave me alone.
And then she pressed on, trying to get me to prove it.  So, my mind frantically searched for a single male my age, and knowing only one, I set off to describe him.

"His name is Dan.  He's super tall, and has crazy hair.  He's a great singer and he's super nice." I had said.  If not for the context, I wasn't lying. 

she believed me, so, to keep up the lie, I would tell her about things we did together.  Usually the case would be as follows; I'd do something with Dan that day, and when I got home I would tell Maggy what happened, but make it as if we were on a date and we were being in love or whatever.
She'd eat it up like apple pie, so after a while I thought I was safe from her clutches.

But then the text came.

Pissy Sissy: Oh, I should probably let you know that I'm coming up to LA to see you on Tuesday, sooooooo tell Dan to dress up lmao love you, sorry I didn't tell you sooner

And when I texted her back, she never responded.

So, here I am, sitting in my living room with my head in my hands, wondering if I should:

Press A to grab my destiny (if you know what I mean)
Press B to tell Maggy the truth
Press C to end my life and then
Press F to pay respects

I thought C was a pretty good option, but then again B and C would still give me the same fate.  So I guess A was really B and C all along?
I was going insane just sitting here, so I grabbed my shit and stormed out the door.


"Where the fuck is Dan?"
The door I stepped through had opened with so much force that it hit the wall and made a loud thud.

Arin, who was in his office (which is near the door), nearly shit himself in his seat. I could tell because he screamed, and I could hear the office chair roll backwards and hit something.

He came out of his office, confused, "(Name)? What the fuck are you doing?"

"Arin please, where is Dan?"

SWEET LOVE -- Dan Avidan x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now