Chapter VI | Betrayal.

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Over the course of the next few days, Sicily met up with Markel whenever she had time, and the two both pored over the piece of music that was the light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel for the cornflower-eyed man

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Over the course of the next few days, Sicily met up with Markel whenever she had time, and the two both pored over the piece of music that was the light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel for the cornflower-eyed man.

However, over the course of the next few days, Xavier also got more and more jealous of Markel for gaining the attention of his girlfriend, and one Saturday morning he finally snapped.

As Markel brewed the two's morning coffee, Xavier casually asked, 'What're you doing t'day?'

'Library,' he replied without hesitation, earbuds plugged in and slightly swaying to whatever he was listening to.

'With who?'

'The librarian.' Xavier sat back, unsatisfied with the snarky reply his roommate had given him.

'Why're you going to the library? I thought you always said that you weren't a nerd.' Xavier's second tactic didn't yield any fruits either.

'I study a lot. Nerds are obsessed with one or two subjects that they are deeply entwined with. I study everything.' Setting the steaming mug of cappuccino in front of the 19-year-old, Markel seated himself across from the black-haired man, contentedly sipping his own.

When Xavier didn't reply, Markel raised his eyebrows and glanced at the pondering man.

'I am not attracted to Sicily in any romantic way, if that's what you're worried about.'

'Maybe if you looked up what 'romance' should elicit you'd change your mind.'

'What, it's not like you actually like her or anything.'

'And what would an 18-year-old former heroin addict and depressed nerd tell me about romance?'

'It's a chemical reaction from the brain that is put there by nature to ensure the species' survival. That's all there is to it, Hardengrove.' Xavier winced when his surname passed Markel's lips; the last time anyone did that to him, it was to say farewell.

'Well?' Meeting Markel's inquiring gaze, Xavier shook his head.

'It's nothing. Don't worry about it. Joy and I planned a trip to the lakeside cabin and wanted to know if you wanted to come.'

After a moment of silence, Markel shook his head.

'What would I become in a trio? There's no point in being the third wheel so I'll just stay here.'

'You sure?' Xavier's golden eyes narrowed; it sounded too good to be true.

'Yeah. Might as well research cancer a bit more, and work on the Rhapsody, maybe check up on the Admiral.' This time, Xavier did not doubt Markel's words; he really did look like a bedraggled mess, his hair in knots and tangles that would drive Joy crazy if she was there.

'Markel, take off your glasses for me?' Relaxed blue orbs suddenly turned suspicious.


Without replying, Xavier's hand came across with a resounding smack, sending his roommate's glasses to the floor. In response, Markel threw out a backhanded slap, which was easily ducked, and a lunge from Xavier ended with the two face-to-face, fists scrunched up in each others' shirts.

'You're running on barely any sleep,' Xavier scolded, peering into Markel's eyes. Markel only shoved him back, crossing his arms and tilting his chin up defiantly.

'And since when did you become my mother?'

'Since when did you revert back to the angst-filled teenager I knew?' Markel snorted, an unpleasant smirk tugging at the edge of his mouth as he reached down and placed his glasses back onto his face.

'I may still be pathetic, but I'm not the sobbing little 13-year-old you drove to the hospital whenever he succumbed to depression.'

'Not really much difference, if you look at it.'

Raising an eyebrow, Markel quipped, 'If I was as blind as you, that is. How would you feel if I just went up to the Headmaster and told him that you, local 'genius' and model student, actually controlled the gang that started all those school brawls?'

In a flash, Xavier's fist met Markel's face- or what would've been his face, if he hadn't ducked at the last second. Instead, his fist met the wall, shaking the table and slightly spilling the two's coffees. Markel, from behind him, shook his head.

'As usual. Uncontrollable temper. I always thought that your gang was disciplined because they wanted to listen to you, but after that nice food-fight of yours, I knew that you skipped your anger management classes.'

With a growl, Xavier's elbow shot backwards, barely grazing Markel's cheek as he dodged the strike, only to be thrown backwards by a powerful kick to the stomach. As Markel recovered from the force of the back kick, Xavier rained down punches and strikes from above, with all the power and glory of Zeus himself.

But it didn't last for long.

Markel spied his opening through the pain when he'd scooted himself close enough to Xavier's legs to throw a sudden roundhouse at his knees, taking his roommate out automatically and sending him flying towards the granite counter. As Markel sat up, calmly dusting himself off, a horrified gasp broke through the fray.

'What are you two doing?' Both men turned to look at the doorway; the rush of adrenaline in their ears had blocked out the sound of the screen door opening.

When Xavier, one arm on the granite block, didn't answer, Markel did.

'Morning exercise. Xavier likes to teach me self-defense whenever I'm not expecting to be attacked.' Raising an eyebrow at the lie his roommate had just fabricated, Xavier decided to go along with it.

'Sorry, Joy. Am I late for the pre-arranged trip?'

'Of course you are! An hour late, in fact. But why do you two fight? The gymnastics studio's open if you wanted to teach him self defense, with its mats and whatnot. Why here?' Joy's suspicions were raised, and rightfully so, Markel thought as he mentally berated himself for blurting out his incomplete thought process. Nonetheless, he continued.

'Because your boyfriend doesn't want to be a part of the wrestling team. He thinks it's too violent for him.' Looking at Xavier for support, cornflower blue eyes, once flashing in amusement, suddenly found themselves draining of color as Xavier, deciding to get back at Markel for the embarrassment, played one of his most well-kept secrets.

'Besides, Markel needs to learn how to defend himself against his abusive father.'

An alarmed Joy turned to the cornflower-eyed man, but he'd already disappeared- to the small balcony, judging from the opened back door, and when she moved to follow him, she found Xavier in her way.

'He's thinking. He always runs to the balcony whenever he needs alone time.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes. Now then, I believe we had an entire weekend plus Monday and Tuesday at the cabin, I believe?'

As Xavier led the orange-headed woman to the front screen door, Joy couldn't help but glance at the back door.

A/N: I don't have much plan as to what to do now so... flashback coming next chapter :D I think...? The plot's pacing is slowing down (partially because this is about as far as I've ever gotten on a normal novel) but maybe Sicily can help with that.

I am actually listening to 'Iris' by the Goo Goo Dolls right now, so expect some tragedy next chapter as well. Plot's going to speed up I swear (if I can remember to do that).

And the cup of coffee... it's betrayal over cups of coffee. The way I like it :)

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