Chapter Thirty-Seven

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J-Hope's POV

The nurse leaves the room without a word. Behind the closed door, I hear RM ask if he can see June. The user declines him and after that there's total silence. I sigh. He should be the one in here, not me. After all, he was June's first boyfriend.

I stare at June's pale face. I hate seeing her like this. She looks dead. I know that I see her when she sleeps, not in the creepy way, but more like I study her features when she's asleep. Like I can't seem to figure out what she's hiding. This is different, though. She has those tubes going into her, machines keeping her alive and breathing. It's like the doctors don't expect her to live. She can breathe just fine without it, but they told me that it was "just in case." Yeah, just in case she dies. In case she doesn't make it through this.

I remember bringing her to the hospital, watching the nurses rush her through the hallways. They said that no one knows what's wrong with her. She was perfectly fine one minute, then she had a seizure of sorts. Collapsed in the middle of an alley. RM was the one who had found her. I had thought that she passed out because she drank too much wine, but RM told me that she hadn't touched it. So now I'm here. I haven't slept in two days. Barely eaten. Waiting for June to wake up.

My attention turns to where June's hand is resting. I swear I saw it move. Her fingers twitch again and I smile. I leap out of my chair an run to the door. A nurse is passing by, and I motion for her to come into the room.

"She's waking up," I say, and the nurse pushes past me. She stands next to the waking June.

"Wh-where am I?"June mutters, looking around her. Finally. She's awake. I walk over and stand next to the nurse. "J-Hope?" June looks at me, squinting her eyes. "What's going on? Why am I here? The last thing I remember is talking to RM at the wedding."

"That was three days ago," I tell her. "RM found you passed out in the middle of an alley, so we brought you to the hospital."

June looks at the tubes connected to her body. She grins and starts to laugh. "I'm an octopus," she giggles, moving her arms up and down, tubes moving with her.

I look at the nurse. "Um, is this normal."

She smiles. "Yes. I mean, I've never heard an octopus one before, but they tend to say very... disturbing things."

"I bet I'm a beautiful octopus," June says, bringing my attention back to her. "I don't want to be ugly. Hobi, am I colorful?"

 I smile. "Yes, June. You're the most colorful thing I've ever seen."

She squeals with joy. Suddenly and idea comes to mind. It's silly, but it might make June feel better.

I tell June that I'll be back and start to head out. I leave the hospital and find my Jeep. Time to do something incredibly stupid.

I finally get back to the hospital after two hours of standing in lines and waiting in traffic. There's a new nurse at the door now. She's skinny with light brown hair and a heart shaped face. Her cheeks are slightly rosy and her electric blue eyes smile at me. She opens the door for me and I walk inside to see June sitting up, staring at the TV. It's one of those kids shows, Telemonsters, I think that's what it's called. She seems so into it, I have to laugh. She turns to me and smiles.

"Hobi! You came back!"

"I said I would, didn't I?" I smile and hand her my gifts.

First I give her a small, fluffy octopus. It's covered in rainbow colors and it has cute, small tentacles. June screams and grabs it.

"Is this my baby?" she access, wide-eyed. 

I laugh. "Yep. Congrats, June. You are officially the mother of an octopus."

June cuddles the stuffed animal and kisses the top of it's head. I had her my second gift and the octopus is forgotten.

I lift up the baby husky and place him on her lap. June stares at the puppy as he wags his little tail. Then she smiles and wraps her arms around him.

"I love him!" she says. "What's his name?"

"You get to name him. He's yours."

"I'm gonna name him Fluffy!"

"Maybe we should wait until you get home to name him," I say, laughing.

I sit in my car with the baby husky sitting in my lap. I should have told her. Why did I buy her the stupid dog? I know she doesn't really care about me. I'd overheard the conversations she'd had with RM. She said that she loved me, but that was all a lie. All I wanted from her was her love. She said she cared and loved me, but she didn't. I loved her- no... I love her and she broke me into a million shards. For the longest time, I have wanted her, for the longest time. But she left me. I let her in, I let my walls down, but I regret that now. I regret everything about us. But I can't get her out of my mind, because deep down I still love her and always will.

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