Getting Uncomfortable?

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After a while of hanging out you went home. Again you felt like somebody's watching you which didn't help. It only ,add you feel like you had to put your guard up now and be suspicious of every person you see. You arrived at your house and went to sleep. The next day you went to school but you felt even more watched which made you even more scared whoever's stalking could be planning something or worse. You eventually got to class
"Hey (Y/N)"
"Oh... hey Nagito"
"You ok? You seem less cheerful than usual"
"I'm fine! It's nothing"
"Are you sure? Do you need me to do anything? If you want I can leave!"
"No it's fine I just don't feel like talking right now"
"Can you just stop"
"Ok geez"
Nagito left you alone until class started at the end you both didn't talk at all. You found kokichi and asked him to walk with you because you didn't feel safe anymore and he agreed he also teased you for fun. The next day before class Nagito finally talked to you again but it wasn't good.
"Hey (Y/N)! Why did you walk home with kokichi yesterday?"
"Wait how did you know I walked home with him?"
"I saw you two leaving together"
"Oh, well I don't want to talk about it"
"(Y/N) you're making me worried you've been pretty secretive lately you're usually pretty open about things"
"Well I... I think I'm being stalked."
Nagito's eyes widened as if he knew something but you just looked away and stared at the blank wall.
"I'm going to be back in a bit. Later"
That wasn't like him at all something's suspicious about him but you just couldn't put your finger on it. So you followed him (hahahahahaha if you've figured it out by now you'll know why I'm laughing this is ironic) he went down the hall and you watched him as he followed Kokichi eventually he caught up to kokichi and talked to him from the looks of it the conversation wasn't going well.

Eventually they started yelling at each other you heard a bit of it
"What's your damage Nagito?"
"Hey don't act like you love her WHEN YOU DON'T"
Then Nagito threw a punch and they started fighting. You shrieked and started running towards them.
"What are you two doing!?"
They stopped fighting and looked at you. You ran off and cried in a bathroom stall for a while. When you stopped you felt a bit better you left the stall, splashed some water in your face and dried it off with a paper towel from the paper towel dispenser then walked out only to walk run into Kokichi knocking the both of you over but he soon got up and reached his hand out to help you up, you took it and got up.
"Hey (Y/N)!" He seemed pretty happy for someone who got beaten pretty bad
"Kokichi are you ok? What did Nagito do to you?"
"Geez (Y/N). I'm fine he only hurt me a bit but it doesn't hurt"
you hugged him. You were so happy he was ok.
"(Y/N) wow this is new."
"Shut up. I'm just glad you're ok" you stopped hugging him
"So (Y/N) just how much of that conversation did you hear?"
"Just when you two started yelling"
"Oh ok can you uh not talk about it"
"Ok. But why?"
"Just... trust me"
"That'll be hard since you lie all the time hehe"
"(Y/N) this is serious!"

After that you went to class and didn't look at Nagito once. After school you asked Nagito to walk you home so you two could talk. Surprisingly you didn't feel watched this time.
"So Nagito exactly why did you start fighting with Kokichi?"
"Ha I actually don't remember anymore"
"Nagito please be serious"
"Ok well I just told him that I know he doesn't love you and you deserve better"
"Where did you get the idea that he didn't love me"
"He doesn't act like he loves you"
"That's just the way he is around other people. You know how everyone acts differently in public than at home"
"Well that's what he's doing he's just putting up a guard basically"
"Ok fine but still you do deserve better"
"I'm fine with what I've got thanks"
"Well I'm just saying if I were a girl I wouldn't date someone like him to begin with"
"Ok but you aren't me, we think differently"
"Fine then but he should have better manners."
"I guess that's something that we both can agree on"
After that you arrived at your house and Nagito left. Leaving you alone the words he said lingering in your thoughts it made you uncomfortable he seemed pretty determined on convincing you to break up with Kokichi it's almost as if Nagito likes you but that's not that case at least you think. He's a pretty open guy if he liked you he'd be obvious about it so there's no way that's the case. But then why did he say those things?

You ignored the thoughts running through your mind and went to sleep when you woke up you looked over to your window but you looked away for a few seconds and looked back it was now open you rushed over to look out the window but no one was there so you closed it and went to school but everything was a new normal you'd feel stalked Nagito would try to get along with Kokichi and Kokichi would make fun of him and the day would end but this time you decided to go have a sleepover at Kokichi's house and so you two walked home to his house and hung out and played some video games until you got bored but the you got sleepy and closed your eyes and he picked you up and carried you bridal style to bed and you fell asleep.

A/N: thank you so much for waiting so sorry this took so long to make I've been getting a lot of writers block recently sorry for that but I think it's gone now but I'm so sorry I also got distracted a lot when I was finishing up writing this so again so sorry but I'll be sure to make the next chapter soon thank you bye~

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