Better start running

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A/N: I pulled an all nighter because I wanted to finish this so here I'm tired I'm gonna sleep now ;-;

You were by Kokichi's side in the hospital. Then you saw Nagito you ran out of the room and started running down the halls, he gave chase eventually he got you at a dead end then you were woken up by Kokichi. Luckily it was just a dream
"Hey (Y/N)! Oh you're awake I made breakfast"
You slowly got up as he left the room you got the extra set of clothes you brought and got changed in the bathroom. You went downstairs to find Kokichi eating already you grabbed a plate from the counter and sat down next to him and ate, when you were done you both talked for a while until it was time to go to school when you got there you saw Nagito reading a book.
"Hey Nagito. What're you reading?"
He didn't seem to notice you
"Hey! Nagito?"
"Huh? Oh hey (Y/N)... I'm busy right now I'll talk to you later"
"Uh ok bye"
With that he closed the book and left you saw a bit of the cover it looked like Carrie by Stephen king but why would he read a horror novel wasn't he into mystery books?
You shrugged it off and continued on with your day. Later you saw Nagito yelling at Kokichi in front of the girls shower room you quickly sat behind a trash can and watched but when things got bad instead of throwing a punch Nagito pulled out a pocket knife you sat there in shock as Nagito tried to stab Kokichi aiming towards his chest Kokichi tried to dodge causing Nagito to stab him in the upper rib Nagito pulled the knife out and aimed for his chest again as Kokichi fell to the ground and went unconscious. As you came out of shock you ran towards them and pushed Nagito over making him fall over so he couldn't hurt Kokichi he ran away and you ran to Kokichi's side you knew you weren't strong enough to carry Kokichi by yourself so you tried to stop the bleeding you ran into the girls shower room and grabbed a few towels and with one hand put it over the wound and applied pressure with your free hand you called Mikan for help she came quickly and helped keep Kokichi from bleeding to death then you called the one person you knew would actually want to help bring Kokichi to the nearest hospital. Rantaro

You called him, explained everything that happened and waited. Rantaro finally came still looking shocked and picked Kokichi up he carried him to the nearest hospital and left you sat there by his side. Everyone is going to find out about this aren't they that's all you could worry about. What if Nagito finds out and comes here to finish the job the thought sent chills down your spine you just sat there by his side until the nurse came in "Miss a man told me to give this to you"
She handed you an envelope you opened it to find the words that made you shift in position "from Nagito" you heard a Kokichi waking up so you hid the letter in your pocket (or purse whichever you want)
"Hey (Y/N)"
"Hey Kokichi how are you"
"Not good considering I've been attacked by a maniac speaking of which where am I did I die?"
"No and this isn't heaven mainly because if you did die you wouldn't be there..."
"Hey I take offense to that you know"
"Whatever you should just work on recovering in the mean time I'll work on getting Nagito some help or an asylum"
"Fine but I'm not tired"
"Well I can't make you tired so what do you want me to do?"
"Entertain me peasant!"
"Kokichi geez you're acting like an edgy 12 year old"
"That because I am... just in a high schoolers body"
"That means I'll have to break up with you"
"What wh- oh uh fine I'm a high schooler"
"Wanna play (favorite phone game)?"
You whipped out your phones, tossed Kokichi's phone to him and played (favorite phone game). Later after some competing Kokichi claimed his spot as the victor and gloated a lot you just put in earbuds and drowned his bragging out with (favorite band) songs
Until he got up and took them out
"Hey stop ignoring me"
"I can't help it if I don't want to hear you bragging all the time"
He puffed out his cheeks and pouted like a child
"Stop being childish you literally just got stabbed"
"Oh right I completely forgot"
"How could you forget doesn't it hurt"
"No. Everything feels fuzzy so I'm assuming they have me on pain killers"
"Oh right"
"I'm tired" Kokichi yawned
"It's getting pretty late so that's understandable but I have school tomorrow so I gotta get home see you tomorrow"
"See you tomorrow"
You left the hospital and as you walked home you unfolded the letter in your pocket and slowly read it

Dear (Y/N).
I'm sorry for what you had to see back there as you can tell that wasn't normal for me
as I can't say I hope Kokichi's ok I will say this if Kokichi is still alive by tomorrow morning
come see me if he's dead then text me and I'll leave you alone for a few months if you don't
respond I'll have no choice but to take matters into my own hands but hopefully it won't come
to that I mean after all you're pretty smart you'll make the right choice and I don't think you'd
want to know what would happen to you and Kokichi if you don't respond I'll set a date how about
after school tomorrow I'll be waiting at the rooftop


This made you sick who in their right minds would stab a guy and threaten him continuously for no reason but nonetheless you made it home and you pushed all of the thoughts to the back of your head and fell asleep
The next day went by slow nobody came up to you, you didn't see Nagito at all and Kokichi was in the hospital nobody was there to hang out with so everything was boring the whole day (as if it already wasn't I mean it's school)
When it was over you completely forgot about Nagito's request and went to the hospitals see Kokichi .You were by Kokichi's side in the hospital. Then you saw Nagito you ran out of the room and started running down the halls, he gave chase eventually he got you at a dead end you slowly backed into the wall and as he got closed he quickly fell to the ground you looked up and saw Kokichi standing above him you looked back down there seemed to be a syringe in his neck Kokichi must've saved you that way you quickly ran to him and hugged him
"Thank you"
"Eh don't mention it. It's the least I can do since I wouldn't be alive hadn't you been there in time"
Later that day you got Kokichi out of the hospital and back home I guess happy endings do exist.

Or do they?

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