Chapter One

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"Goodbye hurts the most when the story was not finished

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"Goodbye hurts the most when the story was not finished."
- Risi

One Year Later


"There's no such thing as fate."

"And you are my new best friend."

"I love you Scott. Scott McCall.

Allison Argent awoke with a gasp, making her cough. Her head pounded, making her want to close her eyes.

Her right hand was beside her and the left one was on her stomach where a hole was supposed to be, she jolted up into a sitting position and she pulled her dress up to where she could see her stomach.

She noticed her torn leggings, but that wasn't her issue. She stared at the porcelain skin on her stomach. There wasn't a hole anywhere, but there was blood.

"What the hell?" She whispered looking around.

Gaining the strength to stand she looked at her clothing and groaned, she needed something else to wear, she was disgusting.

"Hello?" Allison called out, walking slowly so she wouldn't fall, her body not strong enough to hold her solidly yet, "Is there anyone there? I need help!"

Walking farther she noticed the small creek so she washed her hands that were covered in her own blood, she had dropped the glove she was wearing the moment she woke up, "Yeah, Allison, just yell in the middle of the woods so something can kill you."

When her hands were clean enough she checked the pockets of her jacket hoping to find her phone or something that would help but she didn't find anything.

Standing up, Allison turned around only to see a wolf, "Hello can you help me. Unless you're a literal wolf that's going to kill me. Is there a town near that I can get to?"

She felt incredibly stupid, but the once dead 18 year old had no choice. The wolf then walked away, but looked back making the brunette follow it.

They walked awhile, "Thank you." Allison nodded, when she was at the edge of the woods and seeing a city that she recognised from pictures.

She was in New Orleans, why was she here of all places.

She turned to wave goodbye but the wolf was gone.

Sighing, she made her way through the town and to a bar type place, and she ran into someone, "I'm sorry."

"Wow, you're a mess." The girl's voice hit Allison, making her eyes go wide, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that out loud. Do you need help. I'm Hayley. Hayley Marshall."

Allison nodded, "I'm, um, Allison Argent. Can you help me? I just don't know why I'm here and it's a long story, you look nice and I hate having to ask but-"

"Yeah, I'll help you, just follow me."

They walked for a bit towards a house, they made small talk just to know some about each other. Allison learned that Hayley found out she was pregnant a couple days ago and Allison told Hayley about her loving archery.

Hayley walked into the house and glanced at Allison who walked inside behind her, "This is where I'm staying. We can talk in my room, there's a lot of people who live here so be careful."

Allison nodded, following Hayley to her room where they sat on the bed and Hayley gave her a water bottle that Allison drank fast, "Are you ready to tell me?"

Allison gulped, "What I'm about to tell you is going to be extremely crazy but believe me it's real."

So she told her story, from meeting Scott to finding out about the supernatural and her family being hunters. From Peter to the nogitsune. Everything.

"So you died?"

Allison nodded, looking at her hands, "That's why I'm extremely disgusting and bloody."

Hayley stood up and went into a room, "Here's some clothes that you can change into. The bathroom is in there. I'm going to go talk to some people and then you're going to tell them your story. Okay?"

Allison nodded, "Uh Hayley?"

Hayley turned back towards Allison, "Yeah?"

"Thank you."

Hayley smiled, "You're welcome."


"Hey Ally? I have some people I want you to meet."

Hayley had left the once dead girl in her room after Allison took a shower to talk to some people that Allison didn't know.

She followed the girl that she trusted with her life down the stairs, where a man with curly dark blonde hair and another with a suit stood.

"Klaus, Elijah this is Allison Argent." Hayley told them and Allison looked at them nervously. She didn't know how to feel, she was nervous but hopeful. Scared but not.

The man with the suit, Elijah, walked towards Allison, "Hello Allison. Hayley told us your story and it would be rude of us not to help you."

"But you have to help us." Klaus told her, they could use a trained hunter on their side.

Allison nodded frantically, "Okay. I can do that, but does anyone have a phone I can borrow? I need to call someone."

Elijah grabbed his phone from his suit pocket and handed it to the 18 year old girl who looked thankful, "Here."

She smiled at him and typed in the only number she could memorize, then held it up to her ear. Hayley had told her about vampires, something Allison had never heard of and she had hoped was just a story but so were werewolves to her at once.

It rang multiple times until a voice answered, "Hello?"


There is Chapter One. I am so hype for this story. It's set in season one of The Originals, but it might be a slight AU. I haven't decided yet. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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