Quick A/N

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I started this story in my Peter Parker Tony Stark One Shots Kinda. I put in a chapter that is gonna be this story, just not as... in detail.

Before we begin this story, I want to give a shout-out to two of my friend. Even though they had no part of the idea of this story, they are still great friends that write awesome books. My first shoutout goes to my friend Sosoprincess101. She helped me with ideas of my Peter Parker series. Without her help, it wouldn't be a three book series! She writes Tony Stark Daughter stories, or rather one. But it's amazing! My next one goes to neko_mizu. She has pretty interesting stories about BTS I think it is? I dunno, I'm not a fan of them, but I love her stories.

Please check out my other books! Three of them are completed and the other ones are in progress but are still really good! Ish!

Also, please check out my other two accounts. Don't ask me why I have three accounts, I don't know why. They are Josalynn-Horan-19 and Niallerlover901. I made those accounts when I was dedicated to One Direction, and I still am. This account is mainly Peter Parker, but two stories aren't.

You guys rock and please enjoy this story! Love you all!

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