On The Run

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Peter's POV
When I was six, my parents died in a car crash. Two  months before I turned 15, my uncle got shot in the heart. Two months after I turned 15, my aunt died from a plane crash. That was seven months ago. Six months ago I got bit by a spider and got these weird powers where I can crawl up walls and I have better reflexes.

Ever since my aunt died, I've been on the run from Child Protection Services and been living on the streets. I still go and be Spider Man, I just hide any evidence of me. I also still go to school, but I just hide and get on a different bus each day and go as far as they will take me. Then I take the city bus a few stops.

I was sitting on a rooftop one day as myself, as Peter Parker, when I heard footsteps behind me. They clicked, so it was probably a woman wearing heels. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that there was a lady. My assumptions were right. She was well dressed, had a fancy skirt on and a white button up shirt with a jacket over her and black heels that made her about three inches taller. I quickly stood up with my bag on.

"Peter Benjamin Parker. It's taken us months to track you down. And now we finally have you. Tell me, how do you keep up with personal hygiene? It must be hard on the run. Do you shower at school? How do you get food?"

"Who are you?"

"I'm just someone who wants to get another kid off the streets and into a home."

"You're with-you're with CPS, aren't you?"

"Well, yes. Yes I am."

"You want to-you want to take me to the center."

"I'm just wanting to bring you off the streets."

"You can't take me! I'm not- I'm not going to the center!"

"I was afraid it was going to come to this." She said, bringing her hand up to her ear. "Take him. He's not coming willingly."

The door behind her burst open and about ten men come running out. I look below me and see a fire escape. A normal human can survive the fall to the closest landing. I look back up and see all of them aiming guns at me.

"Peter, this is your last chance. Come with us and no one gets hurt. We won't even put you in the center. We'll find a suitable home for you to live."

"No. No, I'm not buying your shit!" I yell, jumping down.

"You can't keep running Parker!" She yelled.

"Try me!" I yelled back.

I land on the metal and quickly stand up and start running down the stairs. When I was close enough to the ground, I jumped the railing and sprinted off to the busy sidewalk. The early winter breeze stung me as I ran by. I came to a stop at a crossroad, cars zooming past as the light was green. There was no where for me to go. I was stuck here. Men were coming up on both sides of the street. I looked back at the street weighing my options. Screw it, if I die in this attempt, at least I won't have to go to the center.

I ran straight through traffic. Horns honked and cars came to a stop. When I got to the other side of the street, I kept running. I glanced back and saw traffic was still stopped and they were crossing. There were more men this time. I turn around, but not in time, and bump into someone. They nearly fell over before looking at me. It was the one and only Tony Stark.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry Mr Stark. I'm a big fan, but I've gotta run. I am so sorry!"

I turn around but didn't take another step when I saw who was in front of me. It was one of the men from the roof.

"Finally caught you, Parker. What were your exact words? Try me?" I was about to run across the street but two men grabbed my arms. "Seven months you've been on the run and now, here we are. What do you have to say about that, huh?"

"Go to hell."

He laughed. "Your funny Parker. Very funny. Tranquilize him."

I felt the color leave my face. "No, no, no! I'm not going with you!" I said, squirming around.

I wasn't going with them. I had to get away, even if it ment exposing the possibility that I was Spider-Man. I flipped the two guys and they landed on their backs. I felt the prick of a needle, but it didn't get in me because I was already running in the street.

"Come back here Parker or it's gonna be worse for you!"

I made it across the street and ran to the mall. Anyone can get lost in a mall and anyone can lose anyone in a mall. I ran to the escalators. I was pretty much to the top when I looked down. They had just entered the building. I casually looked back ahead and went to the fountain. I set my bag down and pulled off my jacket. I set my jacket on the bench, grabbed my bag, and went to the closest doors. I snagged some dude's glasses and hat that were lying around and put them on. I found a jacket store and quickly bought one before going outside.

I casually walked around when I saw a car with a guy holding a radio. I kept my head down. I pretended to be lighting a cigarette.

"We found Parker's jacket. He abandoned it." A voice over the radio said.

"He's a smart boy."

"Too smart. If you find him, use any means necessary to bring him in. Just don't kill him. We need his blood."

"Wait, I thought we were turning him over to CPS."

"We will. After we do what we need to do."

"You know if we get caught, we'll be dead."

"That's why we're doing this under the radar. Why we agreed we would get him to them when we found him. They didn't say when we need to turn him in."

Did they know that I was Spider Man?! Shit! I turned a random corner.

I sat in one of the corners and covered myself as best as I could. It was softly snowing. I pulled my legs up to my chest and breathed in my hands. I closed my eyes and tried to stay as warm as possible.

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