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My head hurt. It hurt to move. I don't know how long I've been sitting in this hard, metal chair in the dark room for. I think it's been a couple of days at least. I've been on these drugs for what seems like forever. Their fun that they have? They beat me up for no reason at all. The straps on my arms and legs feel like they're getting tighter every day, every moment. I couldn't think straight.

My head was leaning on my chest and my eyes were closed when the door opened. I kept my head down, not wanting to see who it was.

"Have the nurses been treating you good? Keeping up with the schedule?" It was the voice of the guard who came in here often. He switched the drugs off. "Tell me Peter. Do you have any girl that you like? Anyone you fancy?" I didn't answer him.  He grabbed my hair and leaned my head back to force me to look at him. "Look at me when I talk to you!" He slammed his fist in my jaw.

"No. I don't. I don't have a girl." I lied, thinking about Liz.

"What a damn shame." He said hitting me again. "You know, Parker," he hit me again, "I almost don't want to give you back to CPS. Even though they are paying us two hundred grand to bring you in, I just don't want to. I mean, we're still trying to find out what makes you so special and what kind of spider bit you, but we don't want to give you back." He hit me again. I coughed, spitting out blood. I was breathing hard and my mouth was dry and the taste of blood filled my taste buds.

"Why did you even take up the offer?" I coughed.

"Why?" He grabbed my hair and punched my eye. "Because we've helped them before. We caught ninety percent of those kids in the center. That's why. And when we followed you and saw you be that stupid guy in red and blue spandex, we had to find out why you're the only one to have that happen to when millions of people are bitten by spiders." He punched my cheekbone.

He brought his arm up for another swing when alarms went off, filling the dark room with red lights. A female robotic voice came over the intercom.


"Dammit." He cursed.

He left the room and the door slammed shut after him. He forgot to turn the drugs back on. Whenever he leaves, he always turns it back on. Red lights were still flashing in the room. I slowly breathe in and out, trying to think. My mind becomes less and less foggy and I'm able to think more and more without loosing my train of thought. I take another deep breath as I try to slip my hand through the strap. After a few tries, my hand gets loose. Hope fills my body for the first time in forever. I reach over and pull the needle out of my arm and then getting the strap off. I twist the strap on my chest around and undo that one. I leaned over and took off the straps off of my ankles. When I got them off, I stood up only to fall back down, my vision going black for a second. I had to take this slowly. I took a deep breath and slowly stood up again. my vision went black again, but only for a second, and I didn't fall back down. I slowly walked to the door and opened it, closing it again as a group of guards ran by.

I waited for a few seconds before opening the door and stepping out, making sure the door shut behind me. I slowly walked around, desperately trying to find the stairs or the elevator, but hoping more to find the stairs.

I turned down a corridor and found a door that said exit on it. I pulled it open and it was a set of stairs that either went up or went down. There was a sign on the side that said FLOOR 4. I grasped the rail and slid down the stairs. When I found the main floor, I opened the door and it lead to the dark outside. Cold air hit my body. I took a deep breath of fresh air. I heard gunshots behind me. Adrenaline was pumping through me as I ran to the woods and under the safety of the heavy branches and leaves. Even when I got there, I kept running. I didn't stop running for so long. But when I did, I collapsed on the cold snow.

My mouth was even dryer than before. After minutes of laying there, my body began to sting everywhere from all the bushes grabbing my clothes and skin. I saw my breath as it left my mouth and went into the air. My breath slowed down to a normal rate before I decided to get up. I leaned on the trees as I tried to find the edge of the forest.

As I walked, I had a strong feeling that the person who set off those alarms was Tony Stark. And that he was still trying to find me. But I knew that I couldn't go back unless I wanted to go through all of that again. I knew I was at least better off here. Not on those drugs, whatever they were, or getting beaten for no reason. I knew that if I got attacked out here, I would have a better chance surviving. If I stayed on those drugs any longer, I probably would've died. All in all, I'm far off better surviving here than turning back to find Tony. And plus, he probably would find me sooner or later if he used a thermal scanner out here. He would easily find me. After all, everything out here is way more colder than I am.

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