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                                                 P * R * O * L * O * G * U * E 

                Everyone wore black, some grasping a hankerchief as if it where their lifeline, some choking back the pain with every last ounce of their being to withhold the little bit of pride they could have at such a dark occasion. Then there were some, those who came to see the end result of what they'd done, highly amused but concealing it well, almost amazed by the awesome amount of pain and misery they were putting everyone through. 

                Soon, the doors to the large Catholic church creaked open, the staff huffing from the huge mass of the wooden doors. They glanced up shocked before slowly filtering in. Some made their way to the front, staring somewhat blankly at the finely-carved closed casket, some longing to see the familiar face of the girl in something besides the pictures that decorated the church. After a while the priest called for people to sit down, and slowly but surely they filled up every pew in the room, many forced to stand in the back.

                The service was going along as well as anyone would expect a funeral to go until a formally unnoticed screen began to slide down. Gasps echoed throughout the room at the sight, except for a few who said nothing, knowing what this was about. Suddenly, a picture popped up on the screen and the deceased brunette popped up on the screen. Now many where in a panick, this unexpected happening putting them into a frenzy of confusement.

                "I guess since you're watching this that I'm dead," The girl said, her husk voice drawing the attention of the people. "I'm also guessing you're wondering why." She paused. "Well, I got four lemon wedges here, and that should give me enough time to tell you some rather interesting stories." She grabbed one of the yellow citrus slices before taking a small bite, her eyes wincing a bit at the sudden wave of sour.

                "Well, I should probably start from the beginning."

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