Chapter One

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"Sometimes I wonder how I got to this point. I guess you're wondering too. Well, I guess I should start from the beginning." The girl gave a grimace as a lock of hair fell into her face before brushing her brown hair out of her face. She then proceeded to grab a pack of cigarettes previously hidden from sight, pulling out one of the long white sticks before lighting the end. She put it in her mouth, taking a breath before blowing out toxic fumes. 

♦ ♦ ♦

"Come on, sweety. It's time to go," the young mother said, placing her small hand on the young girl's back. She lead her to the old, beat-up sedan, buckling her up in the back before taking her place in the driver's seat.

"Mommey, I don't want to leave. I want to stay. Please! I want to stay with Daddy!" Tears began to run down the young girl's face, completely oblivious to the bruising along the neck of her mother, on her arms and around her eyes. She had forgotten about last night, forgotten about the bloodstain on the previously white carpet. 

"I'm sorry sweety, but Daddy has been very mean to Mommey, so we're leaving so Daddy won't be mean to Mommey anymore," the woman whispered, her still gentle scabs flaking off from the friction of the seatbelt on her neck. 

"Please, Mommey! Daddy promised he'd stop! He promised! Jessica and Professor Jones are still there!" The girl cried. The mother sighed, leaning into the seatbelt before wincing, another patch of scab falling off of her neck. Her blood started to saturate the shoulder of her floral nightgown.

"Honey, plea-" A car crashed into the side of theirs, tossing them five times before they hit the front of a brick barricade. 

"MOMMEY!" The girl screams, her leg wedged between the passenger seat and the roof and her humerus protruding from her pale, bloody arm. Her head hurt, and things were starting to get dark. People were screaming....

♦ ♦ ♦

"They told me she died on impact, but I know better. I heard the moans. The cries for help. And I heard the snap of her neck as my father twisted her head at an ungodly angle, ending her life." She tapped out the cigarette in the hidden ashtray. "Aren't you proud, Daddy?" A man in the back of the church screamed as the girl's vivid blue eyes seemed to focus directly on him. Everyone turned to look at him before hearing a giggle come from the speakers. "Daddy, don't scream. It's only me." The man ran out of the church, trying to haul the doors open himself in vain. Two ushers came over and slid them open, and the man squeezed through the doors, leaving behind the church and into the street, where he was ran over by the same model car the girl's mother had been driving that day.

"Now that that loose end is tied up, let's continue, shall we?" She said, waving for the ushers to close the door before taking a large bite of a new slice of lemon, wincing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2013 ⏰

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