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It was only a week before Count Dracula's daughter, Mavis, had her 118th birthday, and a zombie walked through the hotel lobby, heading for the desk with many keys behind it on the wall. The zombie clutches a letter in his hand as a mail bag is held on his shoulder. Dracula stands behind the desk on the phones, calling family friends for the party in a week, and calling and ordering different things for it. The zombie limps closer as Drac starts to notice the approaching dead mailman.

"Ah, Yes, Yes, Frank, we'll have everything ready for you and your wife before you get here." He says calmly, but a bit rushed. "Yes, I must go, Gregory has something for me." He nods before hanging up on his friend of many stitches. "Well hello, Gregory, what do we have today?"

"Argh ghrargh glargh." Gregory tells the count as he holds up the letter addressed to the old vampire. Drac's face brightens at the news.

"From Lady Muerte? You are certain?" He asks, almost giddily. The zombie nods before slowly walking away to the entrance of the hotel to continue his rounds. Drac hurriedly opened the letter and could practically hear the woman's soft, but strong, voice as he read.

'My dearest friend, Dracula,

I have sent this letter to you to inform you that I will attend your daughter's 118th birthday, and I will hope you are in good health and not overworking yourself at your Hotel. I will arrive only days after this letter reaches you, and I would ask of you to not inform my little devil-bat of my arrival until I am there. I wish to surprise her. Don't welcome me with anything extreme, for I wish to go visit you with a relaxing and serene vacation on my mind.

Queen of the Dead, La Muerte'

Drac immediately starts to order people to make sure the hotel is extra clean, and add lots of decorations for the very special guest arriving soon. He has spiders make a huge banner for La Muerte's arrival, and makes sure there is an extravagant red rug rolled out for her, and even making sure Quasimodo makes her favorite foods, mostly sugary sweets. Mavis only came into the lobby every so often, but didn't notice the banners with her Godmother's name, only that everyone seemed in a rush.

"Dad? What's going on? My birthday isn't for another week, why is everyone in overdrive?" Mavis asks her father as he adjusts a vase.

"Oh, nothing special, just a very special monster coming in a few days." He says nonchalantly, but screaming excitedly in his mind.

"Oh..." Mavis nods before flying off to go find her friends. Her friends wouldn't be able to be at her party since they all had different places to be, her best friend, Wendy, was going with her father, the Blob. Her Friend Hank would be leaving before his parents, Frank and Eunice, come down for Mavis' party. And Pedro would be going to live with his Egyptian mother for a while. They all wouldn't be back for a couple months to a year. Mavis wanted to spend the next few days with her friends before they leave.

"Phew, Mavis is gone. Okay, I want you to make lots of sugar skulls for my friend, alright?" Dracula orders Quasimodo and his helpers.

"Yes, Count Dracula." The chef says and the small rat on his shoulder squeaks. "No, we aren't going to make sugar rats!"

Dracula goes around to make sure everything is perfect, and when sunrise comes, he retires to his room while the other monsters retire to their own rooms as well. Meanwhile, a woman of 5'4" with long brown hair put in a pony tail, honey colored eyes, and a white and red dress, walks out of a plane and into the town of Transylvania. She looks around with a small smile as people greet her kindly. They knew she wasn't human, and that she wasn't an evil monster. She adorned a human look to her because not everyone shared the towns views from where she got on the plane. She steps into the town center and her tan skin turns into a pure white with gold designs, and she grows taller by a few inches, now reaching to 5'7". Her red and white dress turns completely red while her brown hair turns as dark as night, and her honey eyes turn red, orange and yellow with the yellow as her pupils. A large red hat with candles on the edges sits on top of her head as she lifts her head to look around at all the townspeople who clap happily to see the Queen of the dead, La Muerte, visiting them. They didn't care that she was a monster, or that her name seemed menacing, they only cared that she was nice to humans, and helped spirits return to their loved ones to visit every year on the Day of the Dead. They insist on calling her the name they gave her for traveling, Maria Posada. She goes by it when she travels, and even when she's with friends. It's the name she uses now since it's a new age.

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