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Waking in her hotel room a week later, she gets up and dressed in her usual red dress with yellow flowers. She smiles and greets the monsters who wave and say hello when she passes the hallways, heading to the Lobby. When entering, she notices the arrivals of friends of both her own and Drac. Frankenstein, along with his wife, Eunice, Murray, and his girlfriend(?), Wayne, his wife, Wanda, and their dozen of pups, along with Griffin, who was only visible to others by his glasses. However, Maria could see his fire-like red hair, and his freckle-clad face ever since they first met one another. She could see any creature, big or small, visible or not. It was apart of her gift. She greeted them all with small hugs before making her way to her God-daughter's room. Drac told her that he'd see the teen later, so she took this time to talk with the girl. She could hear the young teen pace as she plays out how she wants an argument with Drac to go.

Maria/La Muerte

"'But Mavey-Wavey, your too young to go out in the world alone. Bleh-Bleh-Bleh'." She imitates. "I know dad, but I'm 118, and you promised."

"You know... I was the one to start the whole 'Bleh-Bleh-Bleh' saying. I had gotten in a fight with your father and told the humans a few minor rumors. They took it from there and Drac was none the wiser that it was me."

"Auntie Maria." Mavis greets, surprised to see me sitting on her closed coffin. "I didn't hear you come in... how's your stay so far?"

"It's been horrifying." I say in a good way. "What's bothering you, my little murciélago diablo? Is it your party tomorrow?"

"No... it's just, this year I really want to go out, see the world like my parents did..." she explains softly. "But I know dad won't let me..."

"I don't know, it sounds like a pretty convincing argument you were practicing a moment ago, my murciélago diablo." I brush a lock of her black hair from her eyes. "Your father loves you, he wants the best for you, don't forget that. Sometimes the best in his eyes isn't the best in yours, and you will just have to explain that to him. Trust me, I'll make him let you go out into the world. You deserve it, and your mother would think so if she was here, I'm sure of it, Mavis." I explain softly.

"Have you... have you or Xibalba seen her spirit yet?" Mavis asks softly.

"No... but that doesn't mean she disappeared, it could mean she was reincarnated into someone else. We'll find out in all due time..." I kiss her forehead. "Now I need to head into town to collect a few things."

"Okay. Maybe if all goes right, I'll see you there?" She offers.

"I hope so. There are many places I'd love for you to go, along with friends you should meet." I tell her as I open her balcony doors. "I'll be back soon." She nods before I leave in my usual flurry of petals. I head for the human town and see two men with red firey hair, entering an older man's home where he tells stories of the Hotel. I land before the woman from the day I arrived a week ago, Madeline.

"Madeline, I apologize for not having come to town for this past week, I didn't want any panic from either human nor monster. How've you been?" I ask the woman who holds a tray of sugar skulls up for me.

"Oh, you know, busy, the festival is only a day away. It's okay if you can't visit often, everyone understands you're trying to keep peace between Monsters and Humans. There are two foreigners visiting though. They went into Louie's home though. They wanted to hear his stories of the haunted forest and the Hotel." She explains as we sit outside together. I was in my 'human' form due to there being outsiders here now.

"It's wonderful that you are doing good. I'll be sure to talk Drac into letting Mavis come down, possibly for the festival, or to meet you at night."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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