One Point Zero

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Yay! This novel is finally up and running! I'm so excited to see what you guys have in mind and how this novel is going to turn out! WOWOW this is just a really strange feeling ah ha ha ha! I hope you guys have as much fun with this as I will. ALSO side-note, but some of the things that I write about in this chapter has been happening in real life for me, and it's got me so freaked! SO that is how I got inspiration to start out the first chapter! It's short, but we have to start somewhere right? It's so funny because as I was writing out this chapter, I already had an idea of my own that I thought could have been interesting, but I really want to know what you guys are thinking of too, so I'll wait it out and if I don't get comments/ideas/suggestions by August, I'll update my version hee hee. Please vote/like, comment, follow, and check out my other works too :) 

It's 3 AM, almost 4 AM and for some reason I cannot get myself to sleep.

Strange things... 

Bizarre things... 

Unexplainable things... 

...have been occurring ever since I moved into my friend's apartment. I'm staying alone in a one room studio, but sometimes it feels like I'm not the only one here.

What kind of weird things have been happening you ask?

The kind of things that happen always happen as soon as I close my eyes to go to bed, which is why I can't make myself sleep no matter how hard I try. I tend to be a heavy sleeper in general, but if there's something on my mind it takes me a lifetime to drift off into my dream world – which unfortunately has been the case the past couple of days.

Okay, okay, I'm sure you're still wondering what kind of things that occur in this one room studio apartment...

One: my mugs and cups have been disappearing one by one.

You might be thinking, hey that's no big deal. You could have accidentally misplaced it or maybe you didn't bring as many as you thought you did so it seems like they're disappearing, but they were never there in the first place.

I desperately wish that could be the reality, but as someone who has OCD, I can assure you that I counted each and every single one before I packed them up, after I took them out, and when I organized them into the cupboards.

Don't worry. It doesn't stop there, nor does it get any better.

Two: I find strange writings on my notebook paper I set beside my notes on the desk.

Three: the dishes I wash will become dirty, as if someone or something has been using them.

Four: there's a carpet in the room that will be in a slightly different position than it originally was before I leave the room.

Five: my toilet paper rolls are disappearing as fast as my mugs and cups are.

Six: there's a strange smell that lingers around in the apartment – a little like paint, sort of like nail polish, and definitely like burnt bread.

Seven: there are things in my trash can that I have never put in there.

I have no idea what you might be thinking, but personally it's been a persistent mind battle with myself. It's hard enough that I have OCD, but all of these things that's been occurring has been making me think non-stop about all the worst-case scenarios possible. Reoccurring thoughts of the spiritual realm and of supernatural beings fill my head and it gets harder each day to live as if nothings wrong. My worry and anxiety increase with another thing that occurs, and it feels like there's nothing I can do about it...

I mean...

I guess...

I could move out or...



I find my eyes getting heavier and heavier until they close and I'm out.

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