Chapter 32 - must read

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=Punz’s POV=

“Hey,” Flynn called through the phone. 15 minutes ago, I was just facebook-ing… I dunno, maybe I’m bored? And then I saw Flynn was online too and there was a sudden burst in me that says Chat him! I know, my brain is really weird currently, but what was I supposed to do? Boredom took over my soul! It’s a terrible disease. Ugh.

So as I was saying, I clicked his name in the chatbox and started with a ‘hello’. It took him around… maybe 3 minutes? It took him around 3 minutes to reply and he said, ‘hey, blondie’. At first I got annoyed of that horrible nickname he gave me ever since we became partners for physical education. Yes, true that. It started when we became partners. But I got used to it… and got annoyed by it all over again. Why? Beats me. Been suffering boredom already and I don’t even know why.

We had a buds’ conversation and even laughs and all, until Merida texted and invited me to a beach party. So I was like, “What in the world is this gal planning?” because she rarely does parties, especially my fave kind, beach parties. I texted her as a reply, “What are you up to?” And turns out, she replied…. She just didn’t answer my question. Instead, she gave me all the details; where it will be, who will be there, and what’s it all about.

Luckily for the both of us, she didn’t invite Astrid, Audrey, and Hannah. First time I realized that I was able to sigh in relief! Whoo! Also, it’s… a bit said. Why is that? Well the Big Four won’t be complete. And why is that to be exact? HICCUP’S NOT INVITED.

Boom! Your world just exploded, I know. But ok, let’s be serious here; He’s really not invited. From the very start, the idea that came to me was that, maybe the one who planned who were to be invited or not and all the other details was Mrs. Elinor, Merida’s mom. But then when Merida and I were texting a while ago, she admitted that she was the one who planned all the details even though her mom decided to have the party. I tried to ask her why there’d be a party but she ignored my text.

To be honest, I really can’t blame her. She’s been experiencing a whole lot of problems already, and being her bestfriend, I don’t want to add them up on her to-do list.

“Yello,” I greeted Flynn back as a reply to his call.

“Hm, let me guess,” he said then paused for a while. “Fixing your things?”

I quirked an eyebrow and replied, “Nice guess. True that.” Well, he also knows about the party because he’s also been invited about the same time I was. I know right? It’s pretty awesome.

“Haha, blondie. You’ve always been a good hang.” I stopped moving. “Hey, you alright?”

I smiled, even though he can’t really see it, “Yeah, yeah, totally.”

He chuckled, “You know, you look good with that smile.”

O_O What.

I asked curiously, “Where are you?”

He just played with mean and said with a tune, “There’s no fun when there’s no trouble.”

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