Flash Back N°1

686 17 16

Encre is a child, more or less ten years old, he lives happy in the castle with her mother, he felt safe somehow. But, all of that was before the war gets more important and bloody.

POV Encre:

Encre: Mommy... Why there is this strong smell of blood outdoors? I'm scared, what's happening!

Amelia: Stay here my child, I need to talk to our butler a second. (Goes in the next room, a bit panicked, mostly sad). He doesn't have to remember!

Encre: (Walks slowly over them and try to listen what they are saying). Hm?

Butler: He won't Amelia, unfortunately... You have to die for that.

Encre: (Shocked). N-No...

Amelia: If I have to die to make my baby safe I will- He is too young, too innocent and so different of me. He isn't a true vampire, he has never been! So I am not letting them kill him.

Encre: (Tears up). ...

Butler: (Bows down). If you sure about your decision Miss Amelia.

Encre: (Shakes head). Say you aren't!

Amelia: (Looks Encre then the butler again). I am. We are in war, since decades! I can't put my child in danger, I love him too much for that...

Encre: (Sobs). Why, it's unfair!

Butler: As you wish Miss Amelia

Encre: (Runs over Amelia and hug her). Please don't do that Mom!

Amelia: (Poses her hand on his head). My sweet artist, promise me something.

Encre: (Looks her sadly). W-what?

Amelia: (Smiles). Continue to paint, to draw! Always. Alright?

Encre: (Nods). I promise!

Butler: Before to do it, what name you want to give him?

Amelia: (Smiles, looking at Encre). His name? Good question... (Looks the butler seriously). Oh! It's true, it's Encre, and I'm not gonna change it!

Butler: Miss Amelia, with all due respect, if he keeps his true name, there is more chance that one day, his true nature come back. At this moment, you'll sacrifice yourself for nothing! So... What do you think about... William?

Amelia: (Shakes head slowly). It's never for nothing! Anyway, I already have the perfect name for him.

Butler: May I know which one?

Amelia: Encre. It's an honor for an artist to carry this name. So, I repeat myself, I am not, going to, change it! Am I clear enough?

Butler: (Bows down). Of course Miss Amelia.

Amelia: Great.

Mom takes my hand and squeeze it as if she is scared to loose me while it's me... which is gonna loose her. We are walking in the deep forest, it's the first time I go out of the castle. I'm kind afraid, but Mom is with me and she is really strong! So I am not frightened as much as that. Suddenly we met a citizen, I hide myself behind my mother, she will kill him with her eyes closed!

Amelia: Encre, come please.

Encre: (Surprised). But... It's a citizen?

Amelia: It's an old friend of me. (Looks him). Azure, I present you Encre. (Looks Encre). He will take care of you.

Encre: I can't stay with you?

Amelia: (Sighs and kneels down, hug Encre tightly). I love you, my little artist. Forget everything except that, please.

Encre: (Hug back). I love you too Mother. (Sees a pool of blood on the ground come from Amelia, shocked). MOOMM!! NO! MOM!!

I feel all my strength giving me up, why? Mother, please... Don't- do that. I close my eyes slowly, the last thing I see before to fell asleep or unconscious, I'm not really sure, it's Amelia's face and her pale skin, no... 

Azure: (Catch Encre and carry him). So when he will wake up, he-

Butler: He will neither remember what happened, nor be a vampire. Be reassured Sir Azure.

Azure: (Looks the butler). What you'll do now?

Butler: Dig. Miss Amelia deserves to be buried. If one day Encre remembers everything, I hope he will come here and pose a white rose on her grave.

Azure: (Smiles sadly). Her favorite flower.

Butler: Exactly. Then, I don't know, surely wait Death next to her.

Azure: Excuse me!?

Butler: As butler, my mission is over.

Azure: But, you can't...

Butler: (Takes a shovel). Don't pay attention to me, return in the village and protect this child.

Azure: (Looks Encre and nods before to look at the butler again). I promise to protect him and to come each month to pose a white rose on her grave Suave. Did you hear me!? I promise I will! (Walks away). Good bye my friend...

Mr Suave: (Dig). Good bye.

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