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It's all in blur

Taehyung doesn't seem to remember much, only the words that brought chills to his body.

Now, he's already in the hospital. Running to the stairs, looking at doctors and people giving him wierd yet relatable expressions.

"Where is she?!"

"I need to see her!"

"Mr. Kim calm down-"

"No! Where is she?"

Taehyung was in tears by now.
He hated looking like a mess, but right now, he could care less.
He just wanted to see her.

"I'm afraid I cannot let you go in there. The sight is disturbing-"

"I have to see her, don't you understand?"


"Oh my.."

He wasn't ready for this.

She was laying down, sickly pale, almost like the blank white walls of hospitals.

The tubes and monitores filled the most of the room space, beeping filling Taehyung's ears. All those machines were barely keeping her alive, and he knew that.

"Why..? I know I was a bad friend,
But you must not die! I care about you..."

He was a sobbing mess, holding her hand as he cried his heart out.

And that's when he saw; how pale she was, how skinny she was, how instead of bracelets scars were those which decorated her arms, and even legs.

She was broken.

He knew nothing.

"I hate myself for letting you be by yourself. I was an idot. You are more important."

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