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"I started writing this long time ago. But I cannot express my feelings well, you know that. So I always failed terribly. But now I'll do it;

To Kim Taehyung, my best friend, my other half and my first and last love.

I was terribly treated as young. Abused, in some way. More emotionally and verbally abused than physical, but the scars of it are still open. I used to cut myself, and I still do. It was a moment when the blade pierced my skin that I felt a relief, like I was finally in control of something in my life. I was sad and lonely and grieving.

And then you came along, a bright smile and bright personality. A happy person.

I wanted to be like you. Free. But I was caged in my own self.

I'm sorry for everything really. I put you through so much. Sorry.

But now I shall not live in despair anymore. I shall rise and do what I want. To feel free, even for a second. And I was starving, because I looked ugly. And I cut, so I could be on Earth for longer. And I wanted to die, and I will. Finally.

I love you, Kim Taehyung. You were the reason why I never ended my life earlier. But you have your own life too, and we fell apart. And I was alone again. And I couldn't bare with it anymore.

I'm sorry.


The screams erupted in the arena.
Fans were waving with their ARMY bombs, wide smiles plastered on their faces.
All their worries disappearing even for just a little.
But it was enough.

"This song. It was composed by a person very dear to me. I loved her, and I still do. And I will forever. I just never realised before. Of course, my awesome hyungs changed it slightly, but the lyrics were mostly by her."

Taehyung smiled, feeling tears in his eyes but he wiped them off before they fell down his cheeks.

"It is called Spring Day."

And he hugged with the rest of the Bangtan. He lost a person he loved, yes, but they were his happily and they were helping him heal.

He loves them too.

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