Izuku Midoriya Origin I

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- The state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity.


"When will you learn?"

A voice filled his ears. The laughter from the others had now became nothing more than pointless background noise as he stared at the person before him. Displaying nothing but fear, anxiety, and heartbreak, the greenette only stared up at his harasser while keeping silent. His breathing had picked up considerably while his form shook a bit, yet no one helped. They continued to laugh and add their unwanted comments like usual. If he wasn't so scared, he would have laughed at how many times he's gotten himself into this same situation.

The ash-blonde glared down at the fickle boy, hatred and cruelty evident in his crimson hues as they scanned over his form in disdain. He was a few feet away from the other and was standing tall while Izuku had been on the floor after falling backwards. 'How bothersome.' He thought as he continued to look at the distressed boy. He took a few steps closer to him, his eyes narrowing dangerously as the other flinched harshly while he approached. "Get it through your fucking head, Deku.." He spat out, venom dripping from his voice, "You'll never be a hero. Face the facts and learn your shitty place."

Hurt flashed across Midoriya's face as the words sunk in. Of course he had known that his dream was impossible. There was an aspect of a hero that he had lacked, a quirk. He knew becoming a hero was not a choice for him, yet he still dreamed about it. He had to. He knows that his dream is unattainable but he still refused to accept it completely because if he did... 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. There had been times where he'd stay up late and cry endlessly due to knowing he would never be considered 'normal'. He'd spent countless nights reminding himself that he's nothing, that he holds no value, not even the slightest. He already hated himself for not being good enough, so why must Katsuki-- Along with  everyone else for that matter have to join in? "Kacchan..!" His voice cracked as if trying to hold back as much emotion as possible without him breaking down, even though he was extremely close. No, he wasn't completely useless, right? Yuuei started allowing those without a quirk to apply so he had a chance, right? "They've changed their policy so I can apply..!"

He quickly shifted his book-bag from off himself and placed it in front of himself, unzipping it and pulling out his notebook. This would get him through, right? He's spent years learning, watching, studying, so he could be of use. He should be of use. The boy desperately clung onto the notebook as if it were his life line. He needed to show others that he could reach his goals no matter what. That's what a hero would do right? He quickly stumbled to his feet and took a few steps towards Katsuki and his small group of followers, hoping that once they saw what he was able to do on his own it would somewhat change their minds.

Bakugou sneered as his eyes landed onto the book, an angered and hostile smirk on his lips as he snatched the notebook from the other's hands. All it took was reading the title before his anger grew two folds more. His follows peered over his shoulder to get a look at the book as well, cruel laughs ringing from their mouths once again. "'Hero Analysis for the Future' ? You have to be kidding me!" One spoke in between laughs. "Give it a rest man!" The other wheezed out while hunched over. Between their remarks and his already lit fuse, the ash blonde held onto the notebook in furry while sounding off an explosion.

Broken. That was the perfect word to describe the look on the greenette's face. At first it was a panicked feeling, followed by anguish, despair, then a chilling numbness. His eyes were wide in disbelief while loosing their shine. He watched as the male dropped the charred book onto the ground and step on it as if it meant absolutely nothing. 'So this is what having your dreams being crushed feels like..' He thought as he watched the book continue to receive damage. After a few moments of vandalizing Midoriya's hard work, Bakugou kicked the book over to him before grabbing his bag and heading out of the room, his two followers close behind him. The ash blonde paused before leaving and spoke his thoughts aloud.

"If you wanna be a hero so badly then pray for a quirk in your next life, and off yourself."

Midoriya was now left alone in the classroom, his belongings sprawled all on the floor from earlier though the one thing he was focused on was his notebook. He slowly fell onto his knees before shifting himself to sit on the floor with his legs pulled in close to his chest. He tightly clung onto his legs while hiding his face as tears began to flow from his eyes furiously. The words his 'childhood friend' uttered were now stuck in his head as he thought about the events that happened. His mind then soon wandered to what lead his life to get to this point. Everything stemmed from one thing, and that was the fact that he was quirkless. Every insult, every bruise, every threat, all of it happened because of something he could not change. He knew the world was a bit shallow but this made him feel utterly worthless.

After what seemed to be about an hour of crying, screaming, and mumbling his heart out, Izuku gently scooped up the charred notebook before standing up heading out of the classroom. Everything including his book-bag was left on the classroom floor without a care in the world. There's a reason as to why he had been in there for so long. He had a decision to make and while he sobbed his broken heart out, he had found his answer. He quietly walked down the empty halls, his eyes kept onto the ground while clutching onto the notebook. He then made his way up the stairs in silence before continuing down another hall. He slowly shifted his gaze upwards as he found the door he'd been looking for, a smile that held no happiness on his life as he opened, and walked though it.

Soft foot steps and low sniffles were now covered by the sounds of the outside world as the freckled boy walked onto the roof. His eyes were now placed onto the beautiful sky as he approached the rail that reached up to his chest. The sun was beginning to set and painted everything it could in a soft gold glow, including himself. The building cast shadows that oddly enough complimented the light. He watched as city bustled and closed his eyes when a soft breeze came by to comfort him. Everything seemed better now that he knew what to do. It was as if he was finally at ease, like he could rest peacefully now knowing that he would solve everything soon. He kept his eyes closed while stepping back from the rail a bit and took off his shoes, placing them neatly near the rail after opening his eyes. He then approached the rail, this time lifting himself onto it.

Straight and tall was how he stood as he maintained his balance on the rail, another breeze blowing pass him causing him to feel relaxed even more. This was for the best. What he was doing right now would solve everyone's problems, especially his mother's. God knows how much she has to deal with just because he son wasn't apart of the norm. He knew it affected her and that the only reason she still smiled was to make him feel better. She was hurting and it was because of him. The greenette kept his face forward to look at the sunset while the wind still continued to blow. Every problem had a solution, and this just so happened to be his. "I'm so sorry for the trouble I've caused.. Mom.." His hoarse voice sounded.

It finally hit him. He took a step forward and suddenly felt free. Nothing was underneath him except the answer that waited to end it. Izuku's hand stretched towards the beautiful sky once more, his mind saving the scene in his head before all he saw was blank. Gravity was taking hold of him. He was falling already so there's no turning back. Tears fell from his eyes as with wind grew harsher due to the speed he was going. He crossed his arms while holding onto his notebook. "I'm so sorry."

Nothing. No impact, no blankness, no pain, nothing. He opened his eyes in surprise to see the sky was greeting him once more. Confused, he slowly sat up while wiping his tears. He was back on the roof, but how? Did he imagine jumping off? No that couldn't be, it felt to real. The teen caught a mist like substance from the corner of his eye and quickly stood up, looking around to see what was it. It didn't take long for him to find the source of it. Forest green eyes widen as they fell on the two tall figures before him.

"Greetings, Izuku Midoriya."

//Word count: 1570

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