Chapter 28

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I was lucky enough to get the bleeding to stop. Because I was able to slow my fall I was also able to come out of the bathroom with a small gash that didn't require stitches. By the time I got back to the gym word got around about my unfortunate encounter with Sasha. Jordan was hysterical, examining my forehead and suggesting I go to the doctor to get checked out. The other students, ignoring the "Medora ban" that had been in place all year, gathered around to ask me how I held up against six girls. By that time the massive headache that accompanied my head injury was already in full force, making me very unwilling to sit and answer questions. So I made up a bizarre tale of staring down Sasha and scaring the crap out of her before she ran out of the bathroom, sucker-pushing me in the process. I knew it was far-fetched, and I knew it wouldn't be long before the truth won out, but I didn't really give a crap what they thought of me. At the end of the day I boarded the bus and leaned my head against the warm glass of the window, wanting to sell my soul for a couple of Ibuprofen. The pain made it impossible to doze, but at least with no companion beside me I would be able to keep my eyes closed the whole ride.

But the seat didn't stay empty. I had a small group mob me thirty seconds into the bus trip. I even managed to re-inherit Tonya as my seatmate. "What happened girl?" She asked, bouncing in the seat like a five-year-old who had to pee. "I heard you got the crap kicked out of you by ten girls in the bathroom!"

"Well I heard she took on Sasha Daniels and pulled out the last of her weave." Another girl interjected, a tiny girl that looked like a sixth grader and not a freshman. She was almost knocked over by a heavyset boy who everyone came to regard as the bus gossip. When it came to school chatter he was the foremost expert; I only hoped he didn't know the truth about what happened in the bathroom.

"Well, I heard when Miss Medora slugged Sasha the other girls jumped her back. Girl, if it has been me..." He trailed off, probably not certain what he'd actually do if he did get jumped by a bunch of girls.

I sighed, realizing the peaceful rest of the bus trip was going to be in vain. I offered very little information on the incident, neither confirmed or denied anyone's version of events, and tried my best to shut out the incessant noise surrounding me. All that bought me was more questions, more hypothetical scenarios and not one close to the truth. That suited me just fine. After twenty minutes of a clamor that made my headache ten times worse I nearly bolted off the bus, desperate to get into the house to take whatever drugs I could get my hands on. No sooner had I walked in the door than I got stopped again, this time by my sister.

"So, what's this I hear about you trying to pick a fight with twenty people?" She demanded, hands on her hips. I walked by her, nudging her into a wall so I could get to the bathroom and the much-needed headache medicine. "Hey! Watch it!" Aurora exclaimed, clutching her arm as if I had just broken it. "I'm telling Mom on you!"

"Whatever. Do what you want." I responded, filling a paper cup with water and fiddling with the child protective cap with my free hand. The cap flipped open, and three pills went bouncing into the sink. I took all three of the damp pills and put them in my mouth, chasing them with the cup of water.

"Eww, that's gross." My sister gagged, as if I had fished the caplets out of the toilet instead of the sink. I made my way to my room where I flopped down across the bed. "Are you sure you should lie down? Looks like you have a bump on your head. Can't you die of a concussion or something like that if you fall asleep? Not to mention you just overdosed on headache capsules."

"I doubt three pills will be enough to kill me." I closed my eyes and tried to ignore her, but I knew she wouldn't go away that easily. "Okay, some girl tried to start something in the bathroom and when I tried to walk away she pushed me. No big deal. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to lay here until this headache goes away. Oh, and thanks for the concern."

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