Chapter 31

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I woke up that morning right on time; strange because I had spent so much time in the junkyard I figured I had missed half the day. I got ready and headed for school, already thinking about ditching the next day because my mother would be heading out for the beach and my sister would be spending Friday night at my mortal enemy's house. Mom had not yet come out of the bathroom, so I got ready quickly and, in a mild fit of retribution, left a note on the door for her to find:

"Message received. Done with my tantrum if you're done with yours."

I knew it would buy me a world of trouble when I got home, but after the experience that was the last twenty-four hours of my life I honestly didn't care. What more could she do to me? I felt bullet-proof. If she kicked me out I went to Grandma's. Then I got to go to a new school and experience life away from the anguish of my everyday life. But that was almost two hours away. And I would lose the only real thing I was clinging to here; Jordan's friendship. And knowing what she was going through it made me even more determined to stay where I was...for now. But I was strapping on my gloves and coming out swinging.

Mom's car was in the driveway when I got home. Aww crap, I thought. I was rather hoping she had gone with Aurora to shop at the mall and make senseless chit-chat. Unfortunately she was home. I walked through the door and tried to head to my room. No such luck for me today.

"Medora, is that you?" I heard her call from her bedroom.

"Nope, just a serial killer who was very happy to find an unlocked door." I called back. Don't push it, Medora. She stood in the hallway, hands on her hips. "Sorry."

"We're going to ignore that, as well as the note you left on the door." She turned and walked back to her room. Curious as to this new upbeat attitude of hers, I followed her.

As I walked by Aurora's room I heard her excitedly talking to someone on the phone whom I could only guess was Jessica. When I turned the corner to my mom's room, I noticed a suitcase on the bed and clothes scattered all around it. Only a select number of garments had been fortunate enough to be chosen to rest neatly in the case.

"Going somewhere?" I asked.

"Actually, yes." She responded. "My plans have changed. Robert talked the boss into letting us both off to attend a 'conference' tomorrow. So we get to start our trip a day early. Aurora's heading to Jessica's house, so call your friend and let her know you're coming."

Things were working out so well. I was going to get an entire weekend away from her. This would give me the very opportunity I needed.

I excused myself and went into my bedroom, pulling out my suitcase for good measure. I held the cellphone to my ear and, as my mom passed to make sure I was securing a place to stay, started talking excitedly about what we could do while I was staying at Jordan's house. I was praying Mom stayed true to her true nature and didn't ask to speak with Mrs. Gowens. If she did all she'd find on the other end of the phone was silence. But she paused, smiled at the thought of her lovely plans coming together and moved on, fantasizing about the disgusting things she was going to do to and with that male friend of hers for the next couple of days. I tossed the phone on the bed and began to pack my bag.

An hour later a shiny red car pulled up and honked its horn. Aurora jumped up and dashed to the window, saying "oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!" the entire way. She grabbed her bags, as she had packed enough for a month's stay instead of a weekend, and bounced out the door, nearly forgetting to kiss Mom on the cheek as she left. I looked out the window and saw three girls in the car: a girl I could only surmise was Jessica because she looked so much like the driver, a brunette I didn't recognize and Jennifer herself at the wheel. As we exchanged glances she gave me the glare of death; I was only too happy to return the favor. I rather hoped my little sister would be chastised for my tiny act of defiance. Just thinking of Jennifer yelling at her all the way to their house was such a pleasant thought.

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