Dinner With the new neighbors

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           ^^^ The neighbor ( Megan ) in Media

" Jasmine , Jordan , Jalil and Jabril come meet your new neighbor Megan ." I hear mom say .

" Yooo ... I mean hey ." I say running down the stairs first . " I'm Jordan ."

" Heey there , we're Jabril &' Jalil , nice to meet you señorita ." they say in unison

Jasmine is the last one to come down the stairs " Nice to meet you , i'm Jasmine , will you be accompanying us to dinner tonight ." she asks , gosh she's had a lot of practice with this fancy talk .

Megans laughs " No one really talks like that here , and yeah that's the plan if that's alright with y'all ."

" It's fine ." we all say . We sit down at the table and immediately go into the sibling group chat we have while waiting for mom to put food on the table .

Bril : yo she hot asf
Jor Jor : hell yeah she is .
Jassy : I wonder if she is a cheerleader , lil ask
Lil : why tf do I gotta ask WIMP ?
Jassy : just do it .

" Hey Megan are you a cheerleader and what sports are currently going on ?" Lil asks .

" Yes I am a cheerleader . I'm actually the captain and to be honest at the school each sport goes on at one time . Football has started , but basketball tryouts are tomorrow ." she says .

" Sweet , basketball . That's right up my ally ." I say . We all head back in the group .

Jor Jor : I think we should make a new group and add her .
Bril : You're the boss boss . It's your call .
Lil : I'm down for it
Jassy : DO IT .

" Hey meg , put your number in my phone so I know how to get in contact with you ." I say .

" Here you go ." she says and I add her in the group .

??? : hey it's meg .
Jor Jor : Hey it's Jordan
Lil : Hey its Jalil ( the cute twin )
Bril : Hey it's Jabril ( The actual cute twin )
Jassy : Hey it's Jasmine . Do you think I could get on the cheer squad ?
Meg : Yeah after dinner let's go to you room and show me what you got
Jor Jor : Is everyone as nice as you ?
Meg : A decent amount .
Bril : You look sexy asf
Meg : I'm gay ☹️ sorry .
Lil : JD looks likes she's right up your ally .
Jor Jor : Lmao she'd never be into me .
Jor Jor : shit wrong group chat . fml .

"Phones down , let's eat ." mom says .

I cut my eyed over to Megan and she's looking down while smiling . Megan is incredibly beautiful the long black hair that you'd want to pull during sex . She has a nice shape . I was admiring her features and I didn't notice she was looking back at me . I immediately look down . I hear my sibling talking in the distance . They engage Megan in conversation . My phone screen lights up .

Meg : saw you staring , eyes above the neck 😏

I blush hard , but I still don't make eye contact . " Mom I'm done eating and i'm going to my room ." I say and I take off going to my room . Once I get there I lay on my bed and put my hands over my head . I start to drift off when I hear two sets of feet coming up the stairs . I groan and continue to lay down . I hear girls laughing .

" So this is y'alls room ." I hear Megan say .

" Yeah and as you can see JD occupies that side ."

" Her side is interesting , I like her gaming set up over there ." Meg states

" Yeah , it's boring honestly , but I have to go change so feel free to annoy JD ."

Jassy leaves and I feel Megan sitting on my bed " What do you want ." I groan .

" You don't sound pleased to see me ." Meg says .

" I - I uh don't know ."

" Listen JD . I know you like me and that's okay because you're kind of attractive yourself and your family is the only splash of color in this county and the only reason y'all probably got in is because they mayor and your mom are close . You need someone to look out for you and your family and I need someone to trust and to be with you feel me ? So let's try this okay . No major decisions if anybody asks just say we talk got it ." She says .

" Ye - yes ma'am ." I stammer . How in the hell did I let her man handle me . I got to step my game up .

" After school tomorrow we're going shopping , your sister can come too but I have to get you more clothes ."

" Understood ." And just then Jassy walks back into the room . Thank the lord .

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