Unexpected Meetings

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Keyboarding went by pretty fast . The teacher just gave me the basics and sent me on my own . I was surprised that nobody tried to come and help me . In the midst of my thoughts I get a text from Megan .

Meg 🤤 : Hey I won't be at lunch today we have an emergency cheerleader meeting and Jasmine has to come too .

Jordan :  Well that sucks because Lil and Bril are going to the gym for lunch but i'll make do .

I arrive at the cafeteria and I see an empty table so I sit down and a couple of stuck up looking white girls sit by me .

" Hi i'm Ana ." A dark haired one says

" Hi is Emma ." A blonde says

" Hi i'm Mya ." A really gorgeous hawaiana one says . " I saw you sitting alone and I suggested to my friends that we come over here to hang out with you , I like your style ."

" Thanks Mya , you are really beautiful . Oh and I'm Jordan by the way ." I say

" Why thank you Jordan , you don't look bad yourself . What other classes do you have ?" She asks holding out her hand for my schedule . I hand her my schedule and she glances over it smirking " Seems like we have the last two classes together ."

" That's good , now i'm with someone I know ." I say

" Hey Jordan I know we just met but do you maybe want to han..." she was rudely interrupted

" No she doesn't , Jordan lets go ." I turn and hear Megan say . I grab my bookbag and start walking  " Stay away from Jordan , Mya ." Megan scowls at Mya . " And as for you I never want to ser you near that group again you got ."

" Brah what the fuck is wrong with you i'm trying to make friends and you stepping all in the way of that ." I say walking away from her .

" Mya isn't good people you understand ? She my cousin and you're WITH me so when I tell you to stay away from someone that's what I expect . No if , and or but . I don't not , and I repeat do not want to see
you around her anymore do you understand .?"

" Fine ." I mumble as we walk into our next class .

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