Chapter 10

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** Okay so I realized that they havent like actually had sex together yet so this chapter is them finally breaking the ice. I had a lot fun with this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.***


Vic's Pov

Kellin is mine. I wasnt mad at him or Hannah. I was just so angry because someone else has the taste of my properties blood in their mouth. I watched him while he slpet in his bed. He was swirling around in his bed probably having dreams about me. 

"Hannah." he whispered in his sleep. 

I growled and ripped the covers off of him. He woke up in complete shock and looked at me. I rushed over to him and grabbed him by the neck then backed him up against the wall. He didnt look afraid, only pissed off that I woke him up. Why wasnt he afraid of me? Everyone is afraid of me! This boy was going to be the death of me. I ripped his shirt off and smiled at his bare chest. I grabbed his member through his jeans and he swallowed back a moan. 

He needed to know that he was mine and dreaming about someone other than me was a big no-no. I unbuckled his pants once I felt him getting harder. He pushed me off of him and I smiled then took my shirt off. 

"Damn it, Vic. You can just ask for a fuck. You didnt have to wake me up like that. You almost gave me heart attack, you ass." 

"You don't deserve to be asked nicely." 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Why are you dreaming about Hannah?" I didnt mean to ask him that but it kind of slipped out. This was more than anger because I wasnt really angry. He should be able to dream about whoever he wants right? Am I-

"Are you jealous or something?" Kellin laughed. 

I growled and pointed at him. 

"Sit down on the bed." I used my mind trick on him. 

He rolled his eyes aware of what I was doing and went to go sit on the bed. 

"Stop this, Vic." he said but sat there anyway. 

"Get naked, now." I ordered and stood in front of him. This was fun. I knew he hated when I did this but I didnt care. 

He stripped slowly then sat back on the bed in the nude. I smiled and sat down. 

"Now touch yourself."


Kellin's POV

"You're a dick." I said as I rubbed myself. He was making me do it and ust standing there with that smile that he always has on when he has the upper hand. 

"Hmm, be more senstitive to your touch." he said.

Something in body clicked and for some reason my hand doing this was like ecstasy. It's like I havent been touched in a long time and this was the release I was looking for. I started to wiggle around. It felt so good. I went faster.

"Think about me." he said. He really didnt have to make that an order though because I was already thinking about him. I always think about him. The dream that I was having about Hannah was in no way sexual but of course he wouldnt believe that so I wasnt going to tell him. 

"Vic stop it." I said. 

He just smiled. "Go faster." 

I went faster. 


I did it harder. 

He smiled. "Good. Now stop."

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