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What Is Depression?

Most people seem to think it's sadness, but the truth is it isn't. It's emptiness.

The constant feeling like you are a soulless creature that barely exists.

So, depression isn't sadness. That's the first step to understanding.

Things you should never say to a depressed person (from experience):

"You're not depressed, you're just attention seeking"
(So you can suddenly read my mind now? Thanks, now you just made me feel a bunch worse.)

"Go outside, adrenaline helps get rid of depression"
(Spoiler alert, it doesn't. At least not for me.)

"You're cutting yourself for attention"
(I don't cut myself, never have, never will, but people usually cut because it can help relieve the pain: they can focus on the physical pain without worrying about the mental pain)

They're basically the most annoying ones I've had to deal with. Honestly, if people took the time out of their day to learn more about these things, maybe these things wouldn't be said.

So anyone who wants to help a friend or loved one who suffers from depression, my best honest advice is to comfort them, and allow them to vent their struggles.

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