VIII - Tools

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We all know the stereotypical witch tools – magic wand, cauldron, broomstick. While they're not used the exact same way as in the movies, they're still real tools in witchcraft.

Tools can be used to aid you and your magic in rituals and spells. They all have a use, but if you don't like using them, your magic isn't going to be weak. You can do magical work with or without tools; they're not necessary. Try them out, pick your favorites, leave some out if you wish.

Below, I will list some tools, their uses and symbolism. Many tools are especially common in Wicca and the use of some originated from Wicca. Others, such as amulets, have been in use since the earliest civilizations.

Tools in witchcraft (alphabetical list)
Altar: A table which is used for prayer, spells, and rituals, as well as worshipping, honoring, or serving deities or magical beings.

Amulet: An object used for protection against bad luck, illness, danger, and evil. Amulets are usually small in size. They can be made of gems, crystals, simple stones, statues, coins, drawings, diagrams, pendants, or rings, among other things. Talismans are commonly worn as necklaces or other jewelry close to the body. Even plant parts, animal parts, and written words can work as amulets.

Athame: A black-handled, ceremonial double-edged dagger. The athame is usually not used for cutting actual things, but mainly for directing energy during a ritual: casting circles by tracing their circumferences, and cutting or re-sealing a "door" in a ritual circle. Athames are also used for charging and consecrating objects and banishing negative energies. It's associated with masculinity and the Element of Fire.

Bell: Drives away negativity and evil spirits. It's associated with the Goddess and femininity, and the bell can be rung during a ritual to invoke the Goddess or Elemental spirits. You might also ring the bell to clear unwanted energy. Bells can guard the home by warding off evil spirits and spells.
Boline: Similar to the athame, boline is a white-handled ritual knife. The boline is of practical use: cutting herbs and cords and carving candles, for example. The blade of the boline can be crescent-shaped or straight.

Broom: Often also called "besom", the broom is used for purification and protection. Before a ritual, a broom is used to symbolically sweep away negative energies in the circle-casting area.

Candle: Candles are a very common tool in witchcraft. They can be used to aid in your magical work, or represent deities or the Elements. Candles are associated with the Element of Fire.

Cauldron: A metal pot used to burn items during ritual, hold ingredients necessary for a spell, make potions, and water scrying. It's associated with the Goddess and femininity.

Chalice: A goblet or cup which is used in a ceremony or a ritual (containing wine, whiskey, water, or other liquids). In many Wiccan covens, the chalice is passed around at the end of a ritual and everyone takes a sip as a token of unity. The chalice is associated with femininity and the Element of Water.

Charm: An object worn to attract good luck. Well-known examples include horseshoe, four-leaf clover, and rabbit's foot. Many people also have personal charms.

Consecrated water: Sacred water that is used in rituals, and blessings, and for purifying a space. It can also represent the Element of Water on your altar.

Crystal: A mineral that can receive, store, transmit, or amplify vibrational energy. Different types of crystals have different properties (see chapter VI for correspondences of crystals).

Grimoire: Also called a Book of Shadows, a Grimoire is a witch's journal and reference book which consists of information the witch has collected (see chapter III for more detailed information).

Incense: A substance that releases a fragrant smoke when burned. Burning incense is believed to release a large amount of energy that can be used for magical purposes. Incense is associated with the element of Air (see chapter VI for incense correspondences).

Pentacle: A five-pointed star enclosed in a circle (as opposed to pentagram, which is just a five-pointed star). The pentacle is a common symbol of the religion of Wicca. A pentacle necklace can be worn for protection, and pentacles can be placed on the walls to protect the house. The pentacle is associated with the Element of Earth.

Talisman: An object used to attract a particular benefit to its owner. Talismans are said to be very powerful; they can add more power to a spell. They often have magical symbols on them. Talismans are often carried in a pocket or purse, or kept near the object or person they're intended to benefit.

Wand: A hand-held stick with magical associations, often decorated with carvings or crystals. The wand is used for invocation of spirits and deities, channeling energy (e.g. casting a circle), blessings, charging objects, and Drawing Down the Moon. The wand is associated with the Element of Air.

Witch's bottle: A bottle, often containing sharp items like nails or glass shards, which supposedly protects the witch and his/her house from negative energies (it either absorbs evil or reflects it back from where they came from). The bottle is usually buried in the front yard of the house or hidden near or inside the house.

NOTE: If there are tools you'd like to know about that aren't on the list, send me a message and I'll add them!

"Witchcraft Terms and Tools", author: Luke Mastin, site:

"The Llewellyn Journal: Amulets, Talismans and Charms", author: Richard Webster, site:

"Witch Bottle Recipes", site:

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