Chapter 48: My Reasons (Part II)

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I turn and duck behind the bureau, my heart leaping out of my throat. It's a miracle, one of the few I get, that it's not the door to the president's door that's been opened, but that of his assistant, Killsia Mont Grey's office.

I peek around the bureau and through the transparent glass I see the muscled woman and a man, Joseph, enter the office again, leaving the door open behind them a crack.

"They're asking for a fight and they're going to get it," Killsia grins. But it's not a grin you see on a normal person, but that of a manic killer. The edges of her mouth pulls at her cheeks, almost reaching her eyes.

Joseph enters my area of view next, looking beyond pissed, but he remains quiet.

"It's almost a shame that the president ordered us back, I would've taken out most pleasure in ripping them to shreds." Joseph sits in front of Killsia's desk and the woman in her own seat, successfully trapping me in here.

I could never manage to slip out without them noticing me. The president's office doesn't have a second exit. The president's office also doesn't have vents.

Nao, I call into the link, I got the Cho.

Perfect, he answers back.

But I'm trapped. I'm in the president's office, but Killsia and a dude are just outside, I can't slip back out.

Just follow Plan Loo E12.

A.K.A plan use your magic to order them around.

I don't think I can! I'm going nuts, can't even concentrate properly.

Wait till you can and don't make a single noise. Remember to drink a few more drops or you're scent will reappear.

Aye, aye, captain.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Joseph says and I suppress a jump.

"Yeah, yeah, go wee or whatever." Joseph groans and the scraping of a chair is heard. The door closes. All I hear is typing now. I turn to my watch, ten minutes left. Do I have enough time? But I can't take another drop until all my time is up.

I need to get out of here now; I can't risk having her sniff me for even a second. But ten minutes is not enough for me to get enough wits together to order her around. I don't know why, but as more time passes, the harder the ability gets, or maybe it's me who doesn't want to use it.

In either case, it's useless right now.

What to do, what to do.

I peek around the corner and see the very top of her bun.

I get an idea. I take a pen and the flashlight out of the headband, making as little noise as possible. I slither my arms against the bureau and slip a paper off of it. It's a blank sheet and I take the time to scribble some nonsense on it.

Remember to get the laundry and the groceries.

I write it with my left hand, giving it a different handwriting. I fold it so that the message is on the front. I slip the pen back into my headband and zip it close, breathing out. I check my watch again, eight minutes.

The paper is set down, in the far corner under the table. I place the bottom of the flashlight against the bureau and tap it, sending a clank echoing throughout the room. I slip the flashlight in my breast pocket as I hear the scraping of a chair.

The door to the president's office is opened, followed by a confused grunt.

"I'm sure he locked it...?" But that sentence caused more suspicion to bang her mind. I slip to the side of the desk when I hear her approaching footsteps and slip to the other side again when her butt disappears from the side.

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