Basically, Steve's a dick.

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There's this certain high school, where these certain teenagers go to, And these certain teenagers are certainly popular.

They used to call themselves 'The avengers' but then they made more friends they could trust- they still sometimes call themselves the avengers for a good laugh- but that's only when they want to remember what their group was like before the added a few other people.

Everyone in this group had a reputation. You had Tony- the guy that slept with every other guy and seemed to somehow be the smartest kid in the school. Bruce- the one that was a little too obsessed with science and not sex. Nat- the one that stole your boyfriend, or girlfriend, she doesn't have a preference, she just likes to see people suffer. Bucky and Steve- the schools most popular couple that everyone wanted to be. Thor and Loki- The brothers that didn't look like brothers, and you wouldn't expect them to be either. Wanda and Vision- The two people that aren't dating but everyone thinks they should be dating.

Everyone else in that school didn't matter, well not to these assholes anyway. (There's a lot more marvel characters in this fanfic don't worry, sigh)

You see you had countless other groups of students, but no one could ever outshine the 'avengers'.
(july 1st, 10:23am)

It was english, Tony, Bucky and Bruce had english together. They had their own table- Well two other unimportant people sat at this table too but if you had to ask Tony, Bucky or Bruce these guys' names, they wouldn't know.

This is where they'd catch up on things like how Bucky and Steve's sex went last night- Bucky always has something to complain about- but Bucky never got to finish those stories because Bruce would get disgusted by them and quickly change the subject, much to Tony's disappointment.

"So anyway, Did you see what this one bitch- I think her names Pepper? Said about Nat on her snapchat story this morning?" Bruce asked, Bucky tilted his head to the side, "What's her proper username?" He asked, Bruce sighed and quickly whipped out his phone from his pocket.

"P.Potsxx" Bruce said, Tony snorted "Yeah she called Nat a whore because Nat 'apparently' stole her boyfriend? It just sounds like some more made up drama to me" Tony stated, Bruce nodded, he completely agreed. Bucky shook his head, "Didn't see it, I think she blocked me?" He laughed at the end. Tony was about to grab Bucky's phone off him to see if she really did or not but the teacher caught them on their phones and told them to put them away or the'd get confiscated.

(july 1rst 1:28pm)

It was lunch, they where all sitting at their usual table, talking about random shit that didn't really matter, "So this girl asked me out" Vision said, Wanda looked up at him. "Really?" She chimed, Tony wanted to snort out his soup- Wanda obviously, seriously liked Vision, and Tony was sure he was the only one that had noticed it. "Yes, I said no- but let her down easily, I don't know how you do it Steve- you get asked out almost every minute" Vision stated and looked over at Steve, who had a smug look on his face.

"I just tell them to fuck off, non of them are up to my standers" He said, Tony started to laugh. "You're such a dick, Steve" He laughed out, Steve winked at him. He looked over to see if he got a reaction out of Bucky but his boyfriend was just staring at him, with a disapproving look on his face.

"Hey! I was only joking!" Steve said, Bucky hummed and continued to eat his apple slices. "No seriously, I respect woman! They're all amazing!" Steve said, Thor looked up from the book Tony had given him on chemistry. "I find woman amazing too, Steve" He said, then continued to read the book. Loki only rolled his eyes, his brother hadn't really understood the full conversation because he obviously wasn't listening.

"Oh, Yeah my night was great guys- thanks for asking" Tony said, sarcastically. Nat looked over at him, "Oh yeah! You had a date with that really hot guy from the basketball team! Sooo, how did it go?" She asked, Tony smiled at her. "It went well, he didn't want to have sex which was nice- it's nice to not have sex every night" He paused to glare at Bucky and Steve who were both suddenly blushing. "Yeah, We went to get ice-cream then he took me to see this movie called 'Civil War'- yeah it's about superhero's who fight each other but they should be friends? Anyway it was nice- I gave him my number" Tony winked, Bucky nearly dropped one of his apple slices at what Tony had just said.

"Ooo! You must be serious, you never give anyone your number" Loki said, Tony nodded happily. "I know"

Steve was about to say something about how he didn't have Tony's number, but the bell rang, Tony stood up and grabbed Thor's arm- they had chemistry together.

(july 1st 4:09pm)

School had finished an hour ago- Tony was texting the guy who took him to see that movie, his name was Clint. (AH! Sorry if you don't ship them, they won't become a couple- they'll just become friends!1!1!) When Bucky phoned him. Tony obviously waited until it rang two times and then answered the phone,

"Hi, Bucky" Tony said, "Tonyyyy! Wanna come over? I have that really cool new game for the Xbox- also Thor and Steve are hanging out and they didn't tell us, what assholes" Bucky laughed, Tony agreed to go over to Bucky's, he ended the call and put his shoes on, not before texting Clint and telling him he won't answer for awhile.

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