Big Choices

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Emma POV

Daniel protected me. He always does. And he loves me for all my faults. I cant think of why I wouldn't want him back.

Jax. Jax is that reason. But he tricked me. He may have done the right thing in the end...but still. Its Daniel. Its always been Daniel.

I pulled him in close. I hugged him and then hurried to hug Andi. The Fool Moon was over.

Desdemona was on the floor. Ramona was picking her up. Agamemnon made her put her powers in a bottle. She was powerless. Thank God.

I kissed Daniel again. His arms on my back felt so nice. I was fearing what was going to happen. They couldn't make me choose. It would be Daniel anyways.

"Emma. We've found a solution. But Daniel would have to make the choice to." Lily said. She held my hand.

"What is it Lily. Anything." Daniel said.

Daniel POV

"The council is not letting up on their decision. But they've offered an alternate choice." Lily held up a bottle.

Evil Emma had Emma put her powers in a bottle. She was offering me powers. Emma could keep her powers and me.

I took the bottle. "I'll take it. Thank you Lily."

"I thought you hated magic Daniel?" Lily asked.

"I do. But if it means Emma can her powers and me, then I'll take it."

Agamemnon was a few feet away talking to Emma. He handed her magic bottles. There were atleast 10.

"I have a plan." said Emma. It was wonderful. We were both getting what we wanted. It was amazing.

Emma POV

"Sorry for doing this so late at night for some of you. But. I have my reasons." I set the bottles on the counter.

My dad, the Millers, Daniel, Andi, Lily, the panthers, the sharks, Ms. Van Pelt. They were all staring at me.

Daniel hadn't poured his powers bottle yet. He said it would be easier if they all did it together.

"What is this about Emma." Mrs. Miller said.

"Lets start with Diego. Diego. Some snow please." Maddie let go of his arm and he created snow. It was amazing.

"Jax." Jax stopped Diego's snowstorm. "Maddie." Maddie turned my shoes to cheese. I turned them back.

"What you wittnessed here is magic. Now I have presents for you all." I said. They stared at me. The ones who didn't know about magic.

General POV

Emma handed Lily a bottle. Lily poured it at her feet. She then cast a spell, turning the yellow flowers to red.

Daniel was next. He poured it at his feet. He turned a pencil to Emma's favorite flowers after a few tries and gave them to her. Emma smiled and sniffed her flowers.

Andi, Tony, Mac, Katie, Ms. Van Pelt, Sophie, and the T3 went after that. They took turns trying some simple spells.

Emma's dad and the Millers went last. They were a little shooken, but they survived.

They all finally left. Andi slept over at Emma's. It was a long night.

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