Daddy Dearest, You Know Your Still Number 1, but...Part 1

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Emma POV

"Hey dad." I said. He patted my back.

"Oh hi Emma. Hey. I have a great idea. I want you to invite Daniel and his family over for dinner tomorrow night. How does that sound." He said.

"That's sounds great Dad. Thanks." I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Oh, your welcome Em. I think I'm actually starting to like Daniel."

My cheeks got hot. My dad was starting to like Daniel. That would probably change when he finds out I'm pregnant.

"Emma, are you okay." My dad asked.

"Yeah dad, Im fine. Im just a little tired." I complained.

He hugged me. "Well go get some rest Em. Love you."

"Love you too."

Daniel POV

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Someone was knocking on the garage door. I must have fallen asleep in the garage. Oops.

I opened the door. It was Emma, standing there. She was shivering. It was super cold for December, especially in Miami. I let her inside and she ran directly into my arms, shaking.

"Oh Emma, are you okay." She nodded. Then shook her head no. I held her tightly. "Em."

"My dad invited you and your family over to dinner. He said he's actually starting to like you. Im worried that once he finds out, he'll hate you forever." She said.

"That wont happen Em." I said.


"Really. Now there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

"What is it Danny." She asked.

I pulled the ring box out of my pocket and opened it. Emma covered her mouth with her hand and started to tear up.

"Emma Alanso, will you marry me." I asked.

"Yes." She said. I slid the ring on her finger.

We made out. A lot. I put a movie on in the background.

It was around 3am. I shook Emma awake.

"Emma, what time did you come over."

"Midnight." She looked at the clock. "Crap. I have to go. I love you Daniel." She said and she walked home.

In the morning, my mom shook me awake for school.

"Daniel. You need to get up for school." She said, pulling me off the couch.

"I'll be ready in 5."

Emma POV

Daniel picked me up for school. My dad and him shook hands. I smiled. Then realized it probably would all change later.

My ring was inside my dresser. I used magic to make it invisible just in case. Just in case my dad went in my room I mean.

"Ready to go Emma." Daniel said.

"Yeah. I just have to go get something." I ran to my room. I put my ring on my left ring finger and made it invisible to everyone except Daniel and myself.

"What did you get Emma." My dad asked.

"Oh. It was just a notebook for my English class. Its fine."

On the way to school, I felt like I was going to puke. I ran to a trashcan at the entrance to a park a block away from school.

Daniel rubbed circles on my back. "There there." He said.

"Thanks Danny. Ugh, I feel horrible. We should book a doctors appointment soon. And over lunch, meet me at the janitors closet by my locker. Gigi's old spot."

"Wouldn't Gigi be there." Daniel asked.

"No. She moved." I said. Daniel nodded.

At lunch I hurried to the janitors closet. Daniel had beaten me there. He was sitting on a bucket.

"Okay Em. What did you want to talk about."

"I was wondering, wonderful fiancée. I think we should only tell my dad one thing tonight. Either the engagement, or the pregnancy."

"Why cant we tell him both." I dropped my fork.

"My dad just started to like you. Do you want him to hate you."

"Personally, no." Daniel said.

Daniel POV

When I got home from school, my mom was already home doing some dishes. I grabbed a dishtowel and started drying them for her.

"Thanks Daniel." She said.

"No problem. Actually, Mr. Alanso invited us all over for dinner tonight. Can we all go."

"Sure. Your father might be late. Is this dinner formal or casual."

"Casual. Emma didn't say, so I'm assuming."

"Ahh. Question. Even after the whole principal love spell Francisco still marrying Ursula."

"I think so. Last I heard."

"Daniel can you sweep and do the laundry. Please. I don't care if you use magic."

"Sure." I snapped my fingers. Everything was clean. I went to my room. What to wear, what to wear.

I had Diego come over and help me. He said that Maddie invited him to dinner too.

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