Chapter 3

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Here you go a bit of a longer chapter! And to all my followers I REALLY appreciate your support! Thanks for reading my story!

I opened my eyes, I was in Junipertail’s den Rainpaw was sat next to me, waiting. I could feel his body shivering with worry. Gingerpaw was snuggled up next to me. I felt my heart warm as I saw my brother. On another moss bed Jaystar was sleeping. A wound on his leg looked badly infected.

“Wake up Redpaw! Please wake up!” he was mumbling.

“Rainpaw?” I mumbled. I didn’t think he heard me but I couldn’t summon enough strength to talk louder. Even through the two toms were snuggling up to me I couldn’t really feel them. I was freezing!

“Rainpaw?” I repeated. Rainpaw obviously heard me this time.

“Redpaw!” Rainpaw cried, licking my shoulder. In mid-lick he paused and backed up looking embarrassed. All I could manage was a little purr.

“You waited for me?” I asked.

“Err…..” Rainpaw stammered. “Are you hungry?” he said trying to change the subject.

“Not really!” I admitted.

“Oh!” Rainpaw sighed as if he was hungry.

“But you can have something to eat!” I told him. His ears pricked and he nodded before bounding out of the Medicine Cat’s den.

“Finally you’re awake!” Junipertail sighed.

“Rainpaw was freaking out!” Meadowpaw purred. Just then Gingerpaw woke up.

“Huh? Redpaw!” he meowed.

“Hi sleepyhead!” I laughed. “So Junipertail? What happened?”

“One moment Redpaw!” She mewed going deeper into her den when she reappeared she was carrying some poppy seeds and thyme leaves. When I saw the herbs pain came flooding back. I didn’t feel as sick as I did before but it still hurt. I tried to keep the pain off my face but it obviously didn’t work. When Junipertail saw my face she started to work faster. “Eat these!” she ordered feeding me the herbs and began to press cobwebs onto my wounds.

“What happened?” I repeated, shuddering as I tasted the bitter leaves.

“From what Rainpaw told me, you suddenly fell over and didn’t get up, so Fernspirit and Suntail had to carry you back!” Junipertail explained.

“Oh!” I sighed. I suddenly felt tired, I put my head on my fore paws and fell into a light sleep.

It had been two days since I had driven off the rogues. Now I could train again! But for the first time Gingerpaw was allowed to train as well!

“Race you to the Training Hollow!” I yelled jumping into a bush.

“Wait! Where is the Training Hollow?” Gingerpaw called. I screeched to a halt as I remembered that this was Gingerpaw’s first day of training. I returned to my brother and lead him to the Training Hollow.

“Okay Redpaw would you show Gingerpaw the basic crouch, please?” Willowheart asked. I nodded and dropped to the ground. Gingerpaw instantly copied his tail zooming from side to side. I got up and pressed his tail gently to the ground. Then I showed him how to creep forward, suddenly I sprang forward as a mouse came into view, with one swift swipe I tossed it into mid-air. I took it by shock it fell to the ground it was stunned but alive. I tossed it into the air and jumped and killed it with bite to the neck. When I landed Gingerpaw’s mouth was hanging open. I gave a small chuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2014 ⏰

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