Mistake - Hoseok

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He isn't the same anymore. Well, at least when he's around her. A few months into their relationship, he was a very sweet outgoing and happy guy. He would bring her gifts and surprise her everytime they would meet. One day he asked her to move in with him, she accepted. Boy was that a mistake. Once she settled down, Hoseoks personality changed drastically. When she would have friends over, he would act flirty with them and be to touchy. Then after she would confront him about it and he would get mad and start screaming at her for being so "Controlling".  She missed the old Hoseok.

It was 3:15 in the morning and Hoseok hadn't come back from who knows where. She waited for him all this time not sleeping at all just incase he wanted to sneak in. And lo and behold, a very drunk Hoseok appears through the front door making the least amount of noise. He turned on the lights and jumped back when he saw Y/N in the couch looking back at him furiously.

"Where the hell have you been?"

"You know what time it is?"

She was bombarding him with all these questions that he didn't want to answer. He just responds with "why are you awake?" She looked at his neck, there's a bruise. She know that's not any kind of bruise, that's a hickey. He takes off his shoes and his jacket and makes him way to their room.

Se sighed letting go of this moment. She walks to the room and Hoseok is getting ready for bed. She makes her way the bed and grabbed her pillow and a blanket

"I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight." His heart stops for a second. He turns around and grabs her free hand.

"No, please stay?" It sounded more like a question, than a statement. She freed her hand and walked away. He couldn't sleep without her beside me so he grabbed his pillow and walked to the guest room. He slips in the blanket without noticing because she was asleep already. He hugs her tight as if he's going to lose her.


The next morning Hoseok woke up with a really bad headache. What happened last night? He looked around and remembered he was in the guest bedroom. On top of the nightstand there was a glass of water, a pain reliever and a note. He picked it up and read it.

Good morning,

If you're reading this it means you're awake. I left a pain reliever for you because I know you are going to have a headache in the morning. Anyways I left. I'm over at a friends house for a few weeks. I won't tell you who, because I don't want you looking for me. You've caused me great pain. I don't know who gave you that hickey on the left side of your neck. But I hope you have much fun with her. And like I said, don't try and look for me.

Much "Love",

Something caught his eye, throughout the letter there was dried tears and that made his heart sink to his stomach. There was a knot in his throat and his breathing became uneasy.

He walked to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror and there it was, the purple and blue mark on the left side of his neck. He wanted to scream. He was so angry with himself, he caressed his neck and sighed before turning around and leaving the bathroom. He never intended for something like this to happen, ever.

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