Forget pt. 2 - Yoongi

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"Thank you everyone for your support. We wouldn't have won this award with out you guys." There they were, BTS. On tv, thanking his fans for their support. It's been two years since BTS debuted, 7 members were on stage. RM, their leader, Suga, Jin, Jhope, Jimin, V and Jungkook. I couldn't believe it, I have been a fan of them since they were just rookies.

Yoongi p.o.v

The members and I walked off stage. We congratulated each other and had a big group hug like we always do whenever we accomplish something big. Our manager walked towards us and congratulated us.

"Good work guys, I'm really proud of you. I've been thinking about something and I think you're deserving of a long vacation. So starting tomorrow, you'll be able to spend your time as you wish."

As soon as he said that, I knew I had to go home for vacation and visit y/n.


I was on the first train to Daegu. Today, I would see my family and friends again, specially y/n. There's just so much to catch up on. I wonder how she's been, I hope she's doing great. When I officially arrived at the train station in Daegu. I walked through the streets I was so accustomed to as a kid. I bought gifts for everyone.

I was standing just outside my house, ready to see my parents again. This was going to be a surprise, so I didn't communicate with them before coming here. I knocked on the door once, my moms face became wide when she opened the door. A huge smile formed across our faces and we hugged. The same thing happened when my dad saw me, we smiled and hugged.

I was getting impatient, I wanted to see y/n.

"Mom, is y/n home?" My mom's face changed quickly when she heard my question. There was no more I'm happy to see you. Her face was sad. She slumped in her seat, I looked over to my dad but he wouldn't look at me either. Their behavior just made me nervous.

I decided to go over to y/n's house and figure out what was happening. I knocked on the door to her house, her mom answered.

"Yoongi!" she gave me a quick hug and invited me to come inside. I sat on one of the sofas in the living room. "Do you need anything? Can I bring you water or something?" "No thank you, I'm fine." I smiled and she returned the gesture.

"Mrs. L/n, can I talk to you about something?" I became a bit more serious.

"You want to know where y/n is, right?" her response took me aback. Had something bad happened to y/n? why is everyone acting differently when y/n's name is mentioned?

"Uh- yes, I would. What happened?" She leaned forward in her seat and placed her head in her hands. I don't remember the last time I saw y/n's mom like this.

"Well, the good thing is that she's currently home. But when you were gone, something did happen to my y/n." By this point, I just wanted her to get to the point, I was getting worried.

"She was on her way to visit you, unfortunately she was hit by a car." Her words impaled me like thousands of knives at once. I was in shock.

"W-where's y/n?!" I stand quickly from my spot where I was sitting. Y/n's mom also stands and tries to calm me down. She led me through the old corridors of the already known house. We stopped at y/n's door, her mom opened the door slowly. To my surprise, y/n was sitting at her vanity.

Her mom knocked softly on her door. "Y/n, we have a guest over," She talked with a soft, yet loud voice. When y/n turned around and our eyes met, her jaw dropped.

"Mom, is that Min Yoongi from BTS?" Confusion overcame me when she talked like she didn't know me. I turned to look at y/n's mom.

"Sweetie, I... we have something to tell you, come with us to the living room." y/n nodded and followed behind us.


We sat there in silence for about 2 minutes before I decided to speak. "So y/n, how are you?" Her cheeks became a slight tint of red, and the sides of her lips turned upwards. Her behavior was confusing me, she was acting as if she was just meeting me for the first time.

"How do you know my name?"

Then, her mom's words came back to me again. I started to connect the dots, y/n was in a car accident, acts like she's meeting me for the first time. She lost her memory, erased me from her thoughts, the only ways she knows me now is because I'm an artist. Tears formed at the brims of my eyes, could that be true? Did she forget who I am?

I stood up, crying. I suddenly felt like I've missed on a lot.

"y/n..." I started to walk towards her.

"Please, remember me." I gave her a tight hug, she was stiff at first, but soon returned it. We stayed like that.


a/n: this is ass, im sorry :,(

ily guys 🥺💖 please for give me for this bad chapter

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