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Have u ever had that feeling when ur losing someone who you always talked to before and then u don't talk anymore and you're just there like what. Well that's me, right now and it's HORRIBLE.

I love having internet friends cause I feel like they are the ones that really understand me (as cheesy as that sounds). It's like having that one friend that u can talk about ANYTHING with without judgment, and then laugh for no apparent reason. That's what I love the most, but when life just FREAKING TAKES OVER THEN WHAT.
School, stress, reality and the empty hole in my heart that stays there even though I have tried everything are slowly but surely dragging me down in the dark abyss of my own bed and then cages me there. FOR MONTHS.

Recently I lost so much connection with the people I talked to on the internet. Especially wattpad, and every time I think about I want to burst out in tears. It hurts so damn much.
I'm always afraid they have forgotten me. Moved on with their own lives and started talking to new people (not that they can't but yeah). Ok I may sound a little possessive, but it really hurts and all I want is to have them back.

Now ima stop and get some sleep.
Until next time

『 I am Trash 』Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu