Good Save

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"...Because if you thought that Macca, you were damn right".

That was music to his ears. Just as he was about to dive in for another kiss, George approached them, giving them a startle.

"Whatever you two were about to do, it looked pretty damn grotty. Eppy wanted me to tell you guys that the plane'll be landing in a few minutes."

"Okay George. But I'd like you to know, that John has an eyelash right there... see it? And I was trying to help him get it off. There'll be girls waiting outside the airport, and I'm sure John wants to get shagged tonight by one of them. He won't get what he wants looking "grotty" as you put it".

Paul had just saved both of their queer asses, but John just had to make a comment.

"Who said I wanted to be shagged by a girl..?" John mumbled just so Paul could hear.

Paul's eyes lit up, and George gave a confused look. How glad the two were that George couldn't hear. "Now get on Georgie Porgie, Paul has to remove this eyelash. Wouldn't want to look "grotty" John winked at George. He gave a violent eye roll and turned away. They both knew who they'd be wanting to share a bed with at the hotel.
       When the plane descended, the boys were given their instructions by Eppy. With faces placed close to the plane windows, they saw the sea of teen girls screaming at their arrival.

"Now lads. You'll have to make a beeline straight for that car right over there. Your only obstacle? Those sex hungry fans." Eppy instructed.

"They're not the only ones who are sex hungry" John licked his lips before making his signature funny face. Eppy stood at the plane exit and flung the door open. The Beatles bolted down the plane stairs and through the crowd of screaming girls, being poked, grabbed, and prodded as they did. Reaching the car, they locked the doors and the driver slammed on the pedal.

"To the hotel then lads?"
There will be some sex action in the next couple chapters. Don't worry 😂

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