Baz Makes a Mistake

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Baz wasn't sure why he did it.

He was just so sick of hearing his father drone on and on. "Basilton you're going to have to take over for the family one day." "Basilton you're the last Grimm-Pitch so what you do really matters"

"Basilton you need to be thinking about settling down with a wife and kids."

Well, that one stopped him.

"Father, I have zero intention of finding a wife." Baz was slightly irritated, he has told his father multiple times that he was gay, but he knew that it was always better to skirt around the issue.

"Well obviously you're still young Basilton, but there's no harm in looking now. I ran into The Wellbeloves the other day, and I think it would be a good matchbetween you and their daughter, Agatha. A fine match indeed."

Okay. Now Baz was past the slightly part of irritated. He was gay. GAY. But, he was still willing to tread lightly for his fathers sake. "Father, I'm sure Wellbelove is a charming lady, but that's just it, I have no interest in charming a lady."

His father stiffened a little. "Well how do you know you don't like women? Have you ever actually been with one."

Baz didn't really see the need to bring up his complete failure in the dating department, but he could see that it was time to be a little more forceful. "Well, I've never been set on fire either, but I can tell you I really would find the whole situation of being burned rather unenjoyable."

"It's not like you have a boyfriend so what harm could it do?"

And that brought Baz to a full stop. Yes, it was true, he didn't have a boyfriend. Sure, there had been some passing fancies, but nothing besides some playful flirting. Because the truth was, he had lied before. Baz wanted a love that would set his entire being on fire. A love that if the world were on fire, he wouldn't even notice because he'd be stuck looking in the boy he loved eyes.
So Baz really doesn't know why he did what he did. Why he made the stupidest mistake of his life, one he had no bloody idea how to fix. 

"Actually father, I do have a boyfriend."

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