Yes or no?

137 1 3

Hello, dearies! :)

I was just on here and thinking, ya know, I have a fair amount of readers who enjoyed this fanfic, so I was just wondering... How would you guys like it if I continued this fanfic? I've already got an idea of how everything'll work back into the flow of a story. I feel like this is soap opera. :/ I don't watch soap operas, but still.

Lemme know if you'd like or not like for me to continue this one. Like, say you like the way it ended and you don't want me to continue cause it might ruin the story for you... that's cool. But if you didn't like the way it ended, I'll write some more of it. I'm gonna write more anyway and send it to my friend, because she wants me to continue it, but I wanted to know if you guys would enjoy reading more as well.

Please and thanks.

Much love,

Morgan. xx

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