What The Frank.

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First I'd like to say something to a certain reader who is under the age of 13. RAMSEY, DO NOT READ THIS.

Now then...  Hello, lovelies. :) How've you been? Good. Good. All righty then! I decided I missed Alyssa and Lou's relationship; therefore, I have returned! Tell your friends about the if they like One Direction and our lovely , lovely boys. ;) Or maybe they just love to read! Whatever floats your boat. Comment if you had wanted me to continue with the story and tell me that you're enjoying it or comment and tell me that you like where I had left off. Either way- I would love to get your opinions on the whole scale. Like, fan, vote. Please and thank you. YOU'RE ALL BEAUTIFUL. Love youuuuuuuuuu.

P.S. Rated R spots will now be marked with the familiar Four Star marks. "****"

-Ashely Morgan Posey

**Lou's Point of View**

I knew I missed her, but bloody hell, I needed to stop dreaming about her scent! Waves of the lovely vanilla shampoo she used to use wafted up to my nose. I clutched my arms around something warm that was pressed against my body. Had I fallen asleep hugging my pillow? It smelled of her. I breathed in deeply and opened my eyes. Her face materialized in front of me. She glowed in the soft light of the morning. Such a beautiful sight. Tears stung my eyes. I held on to the figment of Alyssa as tightly as was possible.

A grumbling noise came from Alyssa's form. She's never made a sound before? It's a pillow. It doesn't make sounds. I sighed and smothered my head into the figment of my imagination that was my deceased beloved.

"Ow." she moaned.

My eyes shout out of my skull. "What the frank?" I scrambled backwards, only to fall on my ass. The floor connected with my rear in a loud thud.

A small, beautiful face peaked over the mountain that was my bed, her head cocked to the side in a curious notion. She smiled sweetly down at me, her brown locks falling around her face. She was absolutely gorgeous. More radiant every growing day.

"Hullo." She whispered excitedly, yet frightened.

I reached up to cradle her cheek in my palm. "How-"

"It's a long story." She bit her bottom lip. "Mumford seemed to be more than excited about the concept. Anything's possible, right? Are you mad?" Her cheeks were flushed red, but, then again, they always were.

"Mad?" I proposed before jumping on the bed and smothering her in kisses. "Dear God, Alyssa! I've missed you like fucking crazy." I shouted and rolled around on my bed with her. She laughed and crinkled her nose. I placed my lips to hers as gently as I could before pulling back to stare at her. "Just making sure you're real, babe." With that said, I attacked her mouth with my tongue. Good God, I've missed this beautiful woman.


She reacted to my lips and tongue with her own, swirling and nipping in all my sweet spots. She bit at my bottom lip as I rocked my hips back and forth against her. She moaned and wrapped her legs around my waist, pressing my erection harder against her core. She let her head roll back in lust as I pulled off her shirt and trailed kisses down her exquisit bodice. Her nipples puckered and her breasts swollen with the need to be touched.

I took one of her nipples in my mouth, sucking on it tentatively. I missed this. Her. Everything. My life had been such a drag without her... performing concerts didn't seem the same and certainly not living the everyday life with the boys. Sure things seemed okay on the outside, but we all knew that something- someone was missing.


I finished inside Alyssa. I think we both knew that a condom wasn't necessary because we both wanted a child. I smiled happily, breathing rough as she lay spent next to me. I cradled her in my arms, anything to be close to her again.

"Lou..." She whispered my name.

I sighed shakily. "Alyssa, baby, I missed you so much."

She whimpered and nuzzled into my chest. "I missed you, too." I could feel the tears against my naked chest, but I let her cry. There was no use in stopping it because tears stung my eyes as well. We slept until the wee hours of the morning.

I rolled over and slammed my hand down on the alarm that rang for 7:30 AM. Too early.

"Alyssa, darling?" I beckoned for her to wake. She stirred sleepily and crinkled her nose. I chuckled, "Wake up and you can go surprise the rest of the lads."

Her eyes popped open. "Okay." She smiled and slid the covers off her body. She strode over to my dresser to pick out something to wear. Naked. She's naked. Her hips swayed from side to side. Is she trying to seduce me? My eyes shot to the open door. I hurriedly shot up and closed it.

"Someone could have seen you." I scolded her.


My eyebrows raised. "You're naked."

She looked down and then back up at me. "So are you."

I looked down, only to come face to face with my erection. Damn her seductive ways. I quirked a smirk. "Get dressed before I make love to you again."

"That sounds like the best punishment ever." She giggled and pulled on a pair of nike sweats and a tank top of hers that I kept in the top drawer. I never really got rid of most of her clothing. I couldn't bring myself to.

I pulled on a pair of sweats as well and a jacket, along with my beanie.

"You always wear that beanie after you've had sex." Alyssa commente as we walked to the door.

"Give the lads something to think about." I winked at her. She blushed in return. "Stay here and when I say, 'Well, you know me.' you come out, okay?" She nodded excitedly. "Okay. Shh."

**Lyss' Point of View**

I smiled wildly as I heard the morning greetings of the boys. Lou's chair scraped across the floor. I heard him sit and then the questioning began.

"You had sex last night?" Niall wondered, hurt somehow.

Harry grumbled under his breath, "I can't believe you would move on so soon. It's only been a damned month."

Zayn snorted. "Wow, Lou."

"Louis..?" Liam questioned, heartache lacing his tone.

"Well, you know me." Louis stuttered, I could hear the smile in his voice.

That's my cue. I walked into the dining area and grabbed a square plate from the serving table. Placing my eggs, buttered toast with blackberry jam, and pink lemonade in front of the seat at the head of the table. All eyes were on me as I sat and took a careful bite of the eggs.

"They're delicious, Mumford." I smiled at him and looked at Louis to the right of me. "Morning, babe." I pecked his lips with mine.

"How'd you sleep last night, lads?" I bit into my toast.

Jaws were unhinged, eyes tearing up, and stutters left their mouths. I laughed.



"Dear God..."

"You're back?"

"But how?"

Screams erupted as Niall tackled me in a hug, lifting me from my chair and swinging me around in the limited space we had. I squeezed my arms around his neck.

"Hello, gorgeous. I missed you." his irish accent was still as thick as butter.

"I missed you, too, love."

"Hey, babe." Harry placed a kiss to my cheek and pulled me into his chest. I blushed and hugged him tight.


Liam and Zayn's tears were enough to make a mama bear not want to attack them for coming to close to her cubs.

"We missed you." They said in unison. I pulled them into a hug and whispered my apologies and how much I had missed them as well. Everyone piled in on the hug, including Mumford. I smiled at the warmth this family was giving me.

"Wait." Niall said.

Harry finished Niall's thought. "You fucked her on her first night back?"

"Well," Lou replied. "You know me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2012 ⏰

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