Chapter 9 Ben stay away!

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Mal's P.O.V

Ben that beast and so many other words has put her in the hospital.

"Now lets see how did it happen?"

"M, Its okay to not remember right away."

Ben was stressed and cooped up in his office so his mom made lunch, but Bell was to scared to bring it up to him and now she could see why. Never the less bell had Mal bring it up to Ben. Big mistake. When she stepped into his office he turned so he could see her but once he did he threw a vase at her for interrupting him. He hit her and yanked her and kicked her for coming here. After he was done and she ran into the arm of Evie, Jay and Carlos right on the other side of the door he realized he hurt her he laid a hand on her the one thing he said he would not do last night. He imminently wanted to comfort her but Jay stood in his way as Evie and Carlos carried Mal to the car and he went along to. 

"So that's how all this happened"

"Yeah E"

Evie's P.O.V 

My bff was hurt because of her boyfriend? He is the one who gave her a minor concussion, many bruses on her leg, and made her sprain her wrist and ankle.

My bff was hurt because of her boyfriend? He is the one who gave her a minor concussion, many bruses on her leg, and made her sprain her wrist and ankle

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Mal had to wear one of these on her left ankle.

Mal had to wear one of these on her left ankle

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And this on her right wrist.

"Ms Queen, Mr De vil and, Mr  Jafar" (Idk)


"Ms Farie may leave now."


So they all went to the clubhouse and slept there. 

The next morning I found Ben and I told him to stay away from Mal. 

A week later we were in the dorm I share with Mal and we were studying for the Remedial goodness exam we had and we were interrupted by a knock and someome saying they wanted to see Mal. We all knew that voice, her "Boyfriend" Ben" So Mal and I went into the closet and they answered the door.

Jay's P.O.V


"Jay please do not beat me up"


"Because I asked"

"Well you beat Mal up"

"Come on how hurt could she be?"

"Hmm lets see, she has a Minor concussion, a sprained wrist, a sprained ankle and some minor brusing."

"That cant all be from me"

"oh it is"

"Well I'm sorry can't I tell her that?"

'No. You know even Maleficent never broke or sprained a bone in Mal's body MALEFICENT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT, but yet you her "Boyfriend" Did"

"Can you tell her to call me or text I'm not picky"

"No Ben Stay Away from her"

 ********** THE NEXT DAY ***********

Carlos's P.O.V

I was walking to my locker to grab a book that I had bought for Mal to read while she gets better because well she could not go to class so she we brought and gave her work to her and fairy godmother (FG) and then Ben came up to me.

"Carlos, dude"

"What" I asked while dude just growled

"Please help me talk to Mal."

"No Ben"

"Why not"

"You broke her heart and her body"

"Please I did not mean to."

"No you need to stay away from her understand."


"Good now bye"

Ben's P.O.V

 I had done everything I could think of to communicate with Mal.

Text her NO.

Call her NO WAY.

Ask Evie NOPE.

Ask Jay NOPE.

Ask Carlos FAIL.

Write a note FLOP.

Ask  Jane NO NO NO.

Ask Doug NO.


Ask  His Mom I WISH.


None of it worked. His princess would never talk to him again, but he would live for the day she did.

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