Starting Today, You Are A Host (Part 1)

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Your P.O.V

I ran my fingers through my short (h/c) hair as I stared at the (disgusting) pink building.

My new school.

Ok (Y/n). You can do this. They're may be rich snobs,but ................................................never mind.

Slowly, I walked towards Ouran Academy. As I strolled down the hallway, I heard many students whispering something.

"Who's that?"

"Probably the new student."

"Oh yeah! That must be (L/n) (Y/n)!"

"OMG! He's so cute!"

He?! They think I'm a boy because I have short hair?! I only have short hair because my cousins decided to prank me. Damn these rich bastards.

I looked at a group of girls, causing them to instantly faint. I sighed as I pulled my (f/c) hoodie over my head and quickly ran to class 1-A.

~Time skip brought to you by laziness~

"Class, we have a new student joining us today.", the teacher announced as I reluctantly took off my hoodie. "Mr. (L/n), would you please introduce yourself?"

Even the teacher thinks I'm a boy.

I sweat dropped  at the realization, but introduced myself anyways.

"My name is (L/n) (Y/n). Nice to meet ya.", I stated, looking around the room.

All the girls were blushing while the boys looked amazed, except for three of them in the back.

"Any questions for Mr. (L/n)?", the teacher asked as students shouted random questions.

"How old are you?"

"Are you really a commoner?"

"Is it true you are the best at all the sports?"

"How are you so hot?!"

"Are you single?!"

I sweat dropped at the last two questions. Everyone, even the teacher, stared at me, waiting for my answers.

"Uh... Let's see, I'm 14 years old. I'm turning 15 in two months. Yes, I'm a 'commoner'. I wouldn't say I'm the best, but I'm really good at sports. I don't think I'm hot and yeah, I'm single.", I answered with a smirk on my face as all the girls let out a deafening squeal.

Me and all the boys, including Mr. Yagami (cause I'm getting tired of calling him "the teacher"), covered our ears. 

Great. I haven't even been here for  5 minutes and all the girls have some kinda crush on me. If only they knew I was a girl.....

I took my hands off my ears and stuffed them in my pockets.

"Alright, then. Mr. (L/n), you can sit in front of Mr. Fujioka.", Mr. Yagami commanded, pointing to an empty seat in front of a feminine-looking boy.

I nodded as I quickly shuffled to my seat, feeling uncomfortable from the girls staring at me.

"Now that that's done, let's begin our lesson.", Mr. Yagami said as he turned towards the board.

Feeling someone poke a pencil at my back, I turn around to see the brown-haired, feminine-looking boy.

"Hello, my name is Fujioka Haruhi, but you can call me Haruhi.", 'Haruhi' whispered, giving me a warm smile.

"(L/n) (Y/n), but you can call me (Y/n).", I replied with a small smile.

Still smiling, Haruhi made a gesture, telling me to pay attention to the lesson. I obeyed and turned around. The teacher was talking about geometry or something as most of my "fangirls" decided to stare at me. I slouched in my chair.

This is going to be a long day.

~Time skip brought to you by author-chan~

Riinnngg! ( idk, I'm bad at sound effects)

"Finally! School's over!", I shouted as I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the classroom.

Suddenly, I'm met by a group of fangirls.

"Look! It's (Y/n)-chan!"


Next thing I know, I'm being chased by girls in banana dresses. Some wanting my autograph and some wanting to be my girlfriend.

Gotta hide, gotta hide, I HAVE TO HIDE!!!!! But where?!

I turn a corner and come face-to-face with double doors and a sign over-head that says "Music Room #3". 

I'll hide here!

I pull open the doors and slam them shut as soon as I'm inside. Leaning against the door, I sigh in relief.

Finally, no fangirls.

I run my fingers through my sweaty hair as I plop down onto the floor.

There's no one here, so I'll just wait here until the fangirls go away. I can just relax and...

"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club!"

I froze as I look up to see seven boys staring down at me.

A-a H-host Club?

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