Chapter 2

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Kaitlin and her family drove back home. When they arrived home Kaitlins mom prepared dinner for them.

While the family was siting down at the table they started thinking of what to name the kitten.

Adrien wanted the name to be chew chew or fluffy but then chew chew quickly reminded Kaitlins mom about Chewbacca, the character from Starwars. "What about CHEWBACCA!?" Her mom said. Everyone at the dinner table started laughing! "Haha ya right CHEWBACCA?" Kaitlin said (she didn't really like the idea.)

A few says after Kaitlin went to her Dads place to go Camping in Oliver for a week. By the time it was time to go back home kaitlin remembered that the kitten would be there at her house. She had so much fun camping! She didn't want the fun to end but she also wanted to the the new kitten. By the time she got home, she walking up the stairs and she saw a little head pocked though the railing and looked at Kaitlin. Kaitlin dropped her bags and ran up stairs to see him. Right away the kittens head perked back and gave a little meow. Kaitlin asked her mom "hey what's his name?" Her mom said "CHEWBACCA," Kaitlin didn't mind about his name anymore because she just called him 'Chewy'!

Chewy didn't let kaitlin touch him because he was so shy. Chewbacca did tons of cute and funny tricks! Chewy would be in his pouncing position wiggle his but and pounce and MEOW! Chewy had a small little cat tree bed, a mouse toy and EVEN MORE TOYS! Chewy was such a spoiled little kitty.

Chewbacca the kitten (book 1 of the furry friends)Where stories live. Discover now