Chapter 4

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Chewy is such a CRAZY, weird and funny kitty cat...

He would communicate with Jerry, pounce, wiggle his but and such a cute lazy kitty!

One day Kaitlin had to visit her cousin Sydney and had to sleep over, because Kaitlins parents were going to the Caribbean for spring break that also meant chewy had to stay over at Sydney's house for a week!

Kaitlins cousin has soo much fun. During the night chewy would walk up the stairs to Sydney's bedroom door meow like a cry. Chewy meowed just for attention...

Well chewy is just 1 year old and he still has a long long fun and funny life to come:)

Kaitlin loves his personality, his big blue eyes, his fluffyniss, his weirdness and EVERYTHING!

Everybody loves him especially Adrien, even though his sometimes kicks him (not to hard) squishes him... Well.... I guess every body wants to squish him (in a good way) and never (in a bad way)


Chewbacca the kitten (book 1 of the furry friends)Where stories live. Discover now