Chapter 2 | First night

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As he was crouching down, he looked up at Yume and blinked a few times. He took a deep breath and released it. "In the forest." he answered shortly while forcing himself to stand.

"I almost shriek when the ghost appeared infront of us then you stand infront of me, to prevent it from approaching me. In a blink of an eye, it's gone then you lost conscious." Yume explained with a single breath. Her hands swing around when explaining the situation infront of him.

He let out a short sigh and stared at her. "You can see it?" He asked in low tone. Yume slightly flinched and pouted. "I have a name you know." she paused and looked at the ground. "Is it weird to see it?" She asked timidly. "No." He replied while picking up her bat. He gave the bat to Yume and continue walking along the path deep into the forest.

"H-hey, wait up! I owe you my life though. I can't believe I can see it in the first place. I-Its been awhile since the last time I se--" she paused when the man stopped walking. "You know that there's no turning back, right?" The man uttered in low tone. Yume froze at her spot and as if the gear in her brain turned.

'I-I just notice that we gone deeper INTO the forest. N-not finding the way out or stay IN the train.' she thought and shivered at her spot. The man looked at her and added, "The only thing that I want from you is to trust me." his voice echoed in Yume's mind. 'Why did I feel chill when he said that?' She thought.


It had been thirty minutes since they started walking again. Deep, deeper and deeper into the forest they went. Only the cicadas sang, plus the fireflies lit up a bit of that forest. "Seriously, you can see in the dark? I've offer you this flashlight before." Yume asked, but been ignored by the tall man, which walking infront of her.

They stopped when a slight rustle could be heard near them. Yume moved closer to him and looked around. The man looked down at her. She gazed up and flinched when her eyes met his. "I-I'm not scared! I just.. get a position to whack the creature that came out from th--"

"DON'T." He warned her while grabbing her bat which was swinging insanely in the air. "W-why? I don't want to die here! We will survive!" Yume said out loud, causing the creature from the bushes leaped out and looked up at them.

It looked more like a little raccoon in the eyes of Yume. "OI! PIPE DOWN WILL YA?! MY FAMILY IS ASLEEP RIGHT NOW! GO ARGUE AWAY FROM HERE, SHOO SHOO!" It swung its tiny hands in the air then leaped back into the bushes.

Yume covered her mouth, tried not to laugh plus to stay quiet. The man sighed and patted her back. "Let's go." he whispered and continued walking. "W-wait! What was THAT about?! You seem to know a lot about this forest though. WHO ARE YOU for pickle's sake?!" Yume asked quickly but the man ignored her questions.

"Don't ignore me!" She yelled but suddenly she tripped forward, causing her to hold the man's red scarf then pulled the scarf down with her. The man stopped walking and touch his cold neck. He turned around and crouched. He poked her head and tilted his head.

'Is she dead? Such an easy way to die.' he thought and suddenly flinched when she lifted her head. "WHY DID YOUR SCARF SMELLS LIKE OLIVE OIL?!" Yume yelled and flinched when he stared at her. She covered her face, when she felt her face felt hot and turned as red as tomato.

"Pervert." He said shortly and looked away. "N-No I'm not!" She denied it with a no sign. The man stayed silent and sat on the ground which covered with dead leaves. "Your nose bleeds." he added after the long silent. Yume touched her nose and gasped.

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