Chapter 6 | Flashback > Return to the right path

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"Have you seen my inhaler?" A man which was wearing spectacles asked the little red haired girl while ruffling his hair. The little girl gasped and ran out of the living room. She ran back into the living room and showed the inhaler to the man. "Here~" she said quickly and flashed a bright smile. "Good girl~" the man smiled while patting her head lightly.


"Father, stop treating me like a little girl." The girl pouted when her father subconsciously patted her head. They were sitting on the sofa. She was watching her favorite show while her father reading a book. "Is it wrong?" He asked and smiled at her.

"It's wrong! You make me uncomfortable!" She yelled and took her jacket which was resting beside her. "I'm going out for the baseball training." She said quickly while jumping off the sofa. She walked out without looking back.


"Your baseball tournament on this weekend, right?" Her father asked while patting Yume's back. "STOP.PATTING.ME." Yume growled, causing a light chuckle came out of him. "Yes. This Saturday." she said in low tone. She wanted to ask him to watch the match. But instead, it was as if her father read her mind. "I'll watch you playing." He said eagerly and showed a thumbs up.

A slight smile craved on Yume's lips. Her father ruffled her hair and laughed. "STOP.DOING.THAT!" Yume grunted and tried to pull away his hand. As she looked up, she saw nothing.

She was engulf with darkness. "But, he never came." she whispered and gritted her teeth. "Father.." she knelt and looked at the pitch black ground. "Where are you?" Her tears rolled down her cheeks. "Why did you leave this world so soon?" She whispered and closed her eyes.


A piercing scream could be heard. Yume opened her eyes and saw the long, black tentacle went through her body from behind. "H-HA.RU.O. ." The woman held it and tried to pull it out but in vain.

Yume slowly stood and held her bat tightly. "Swing it. Whack her with the bat." a voice whispered in Yume's mind. "H-haru--" Yume felt a hand touched hers. "Swing it!" The voice yelled. Yume took a position and swing the bat to her back. She kept her eye on the thorny woman in front of her.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!" The woman asked while trying to pull out the tentacle. "DON'T.YOU.DARE.HIT.ME.WITH.THAT!!" She demanded and growled.

"Make a home run, Yume!" the voice demanded. She could felt the hands gripped on hers, as if it controlled her and swung the bat towards the woman.

The bat hit the woman, causing her to fly away towards the night sky. The black droplets could be felt falling from the sky. Yume looked up and it was raining with black droplets. The tentacle turned into black mist and faded slowly.

Yume then looked behind her and gasped when saw a figure of a man. "Sup." He said while grinning at her. Yume gritted her teeth. She ran towards him and hugged him tightly. 'Why can I feel his hands? Why can I hug him? What is this place?' The thoughts rushed into her head. The man sighed and patted her head.

"You did great. THAT'S my girl." he said while ruffling her hair. "Father, I'm sorry for being rude to you." Yume said slowly while crying in his embrace.

"Urm.. When did you be rude? I don't recall. No worries~ I forgive you. Nothing to be cried about though." The man laughed and patted her head. Yume released her grip and looked up at her father. He had a grey hair, wearing the azure t-shirt and a brown trousers. He wore a spectacles, which behind it was a pair of lifeless, grey eyes.

"Now, now. You know what you must do, right?" he asked while smiling at her. "B-but father." Yume shivered at her spot when he opened his glasses. "Saved him and get out of here." he said solemnly and sighed. "I'm not always going to be by your side. I'm sorry. I didn't mention that when I was alive, I, too saw Haruo." he added, causing Yume to held her bat tightly.

"Father. There's so much I want to talk to you. M-my team won the match!" She said quickly while looking up at him. He grinned and patted her head. "That's awesome~ I-I'm so sorry I couldn't watch the tournament." his expression changed.

He covered his face and let out a short sigh. "Father.." Yume held his arm and closed her eyes. "Don't worry. You should get going. Help Haruo out." he uncovered his face and plastered a sincere smile. "Remember. I'll always watch over you and ALWAYS be in your heart." he added and pulled her into a hug.

"F-fath--" Yume's eyes widen and smiled. She closed her eyes and said, "I'll remember you forever." "I'm glad to hear it." the man whispered and let out a soft chuckle. Yume opened her eyes, but her father was nowhere to be found. She grasped her bat tightly and walked slowly towards the so-called night market. She could felt pain from her leg, but she ignored it. 'I hope Haruo is still alive.' She thought and increased her pace.

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