Birth of a devil part 1

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I knocked on the door outside the Orc room after a few moments of waiting Rias Gremory told me to come in. After opening the I see Rias sitting on a chair in front of a desk and on  her side is her kinky ass queen Akeno Himejima next to Akeno Himejima is Yuuto Kiba, and sitting on the couch eating a snack is Koneko Toujou after I finished looking at them I was about to use observe them but Rias started talking so I decided to listen. "Who are you and what fraction do you work for?"
"I'm sorry to inform you of this but I don't work for any fraction Miss Gremory, so why have you brought me here?"
"I brought you here to question you, so why don't we start by you telling me you're name."
"My name is Jordan King."
" Well Jordan-san I think it's about time to start the meeting don't you agree?"
"Of course Rias let's get started."
Three hours later
The meeting was long and incredible boring and the worse part is that I have to go to school tomorrow so Rias can keep a eye on me but during the meeting I had a great idea which was that I should use Fictional Adaption on the Manga Fairy tail mostly because of the Slayer magic that fit perfectly with the Dragons,Gods, Devils,and Angels that I will have to fight and to make it better they all use the Elements that I could eat if I can learn Slayer magic but that's not even the best idea I had which is that I should use Fictional Adaption on the Fate stay night world since I could learn and use First magic, second magic,third magic, Fourth magic,and fifth magic also I could use tracer magic to copy the Excalibur Fragments when Irina and Xenovia come during the Holy Sword arc if it happens considering by then my war with death's Rep will have started by then. As I was thinking about all of this I almost walked passed the shop I walk in and grab both Fairy tail and Fate stay night before leaving to go home.
Time skip
The second I get home I bring out both of the books and use Fictional Adaption on them after which I decided to go to bed since I wasn't in the mood to train.
Gamer system version 1.2
Thanks to the update all of your skills and stats have been updated, you now have the Market which allows you to purchase items and techniques from the animes you have used Fictional Adaption on along with items from this world as well also you now have a personal guide that will help you with the Gamer System.
This is the message that I saw when I woke up after I finished reading it I dismissed the message after which I glanced at my clock and saw I still had two hours before school starts so I decided to look at the changes that the update caused. "Stats"
Name: Jordan King
Age: 16
Hp: 1,800/1,800
Mp: 1,800/1,800
Cp: 900/900 Cp=1/2=Mp
Ki: 900/900 Ki=1/2=Mp
Exp: 0\1,500
Unused Skill points (5)
Cash $450,000
'okay it looks like my only my exp changed and Cp and Ki have been added to my stats I guess I should visit the market'
Market                                     Search__________
Skill Books
Special Items
Daily Free Spin
'I guess I could try the free spin, but with my shitty luck I won't get anything good
I press the Free Spin option, after I press it the screen changes to this crazy looking worm hole I wait a few seconds before a box appears on the screen I touch the box and a message appears.
Thanks to the free spin you have earned a fully customizable Sacred Gear do you accept
I read the message like five times before pressing Y there was a flash of light and I was bought to another screen.
Balance Breaker:
Juggernaut Drive:
After I finished reading it I wasted like ten minutes thinking about what I should make before I remembered every single Sacred Gear you see in the anime and how it would be cool to have every single one so I made a Sacred Gear that allowed me to have every single one.
Title: Copycat King
Power: Grants the user the ability to copy other sacred gears
Class: High tier Sacred Gear borderline low tier Longinus
Balance Breaker: Allows user to copy Balance Breakers
Juggernaut Drive: Grants full power of the copy cat King meaning user can copy blood lines of ANY race
Soul: Copycat King
After I finished adding every thing I could be amazed by how op this Sacred Gear will be I mean in the first season alone I can copy Kiba's sword thing, Issei's Boosted gear, and Asia's Twilight healing. That's three Sacred Gears one of which is a Longinus so I'm pretty set so I press done after which I felt a sharp pain in my eyes that last for a minute but after the pain disappeared I was bought back to the main screen
Market                                     Search__________
Skill Books
Special Items
'It looks pretty much the same only with out the free spin but now that I have the Market I can get some of the coolest eyes in anime the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan' since I didn't want to waste time looking for it I just used the search bar
Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan'
Powers: Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Izanagi, Izanami, Komoamatsukami, and Kamui
Cost: $200,000
Buy: Y/N
( You must first have the Sharingan' to purchase)
Since he needed the Sharingan' to have the greatest eye's ever I bought both ( Sharingan' costed 100k) after buying both I felt a sharp pain in my eyes that lasted for what felt like a hour. After buying both eyes I closed and left the market menu I would have bought the Rinnegan but I knew if the EMS ( the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan' will be called EMS from now onwards)
costed 200k the Rinnegan would be way more. I looked at the clock to see that I had one hour till I had to go to Kuoh Academy so I got off my bed to get ready.
A few hours later
After going through the entire school day hearing a bunch of horny ass teenagers girls whisper about how hot I am and how they wish that I'll date them and a whole lot more put me in a bad mood the only productive thing that I did today was buy Lightning Godslaying magic, Light Dragonslayer magic, some Slayer magic that I didn't even know existed called phoenix Slayer magic I bought a fire version of it for Riser and his family, and finally Ice devil slaying magic for Grayfia and Serafall
When I bought them I wasn't sure if I could use them or not but thanks to some miracle I was, but now I have to spend like three more hours being watched by Rias and the rest of the Orc group.
"Do I really have to be here?"
"Well I'm not sure if I can trust you yet so yes you do and also I want you to see how Devil's work since you said you don't know much about our peerage system."
I couldn't help but to smirk at this cause if she wanted me to see how her peerage worked that means she wants me to join which was my goal the second I met her but I'm not a patient person so I needed to speed up the process.
"Okay Rias how bout we make a deal."
"Depends on the deal."
"Me vs you and your peerage, if I win I get to leave you or one of your members win I'll help you with ANY problems and I swear my loyalty to you hell I'll even join your peerage if you want."
Rias looked at Akeno who nodded before making a magic circle that I assumed was for teleportation.
"You better get ready to lose Jordan-san ."
Every one stepped into the circle and we were gone in a flash.
"So is it going to be one on one or two v one or all of you against me at once?"
Kiba and Koneko stepped up
"It's going to be you vs me and Koneko Jordan." After Kiba said that he actived his sacred gear I quickly active mine to copy it
After the swords appeared behind me Kiba rushed at the same time I grabbed a sword and ran at him. When we clashed In the middle of the forest just like in all fighting anime's Kiba chose to talk " how do you have my Sacred Gear?" Kiba asked me with a glare
"That's the ability of my Sacred Gear Copycat King I can copy any sacred gear just by seeing it even Longinus." I replied before jumping back to avoid a kick from Koneko out of the corner of my eye I see Rias looking at me with interest. When I look forward again I see Kiba dash towards me already knowing that Kiba is faster and a better swordsman then me I throw my sword on the ground and jump to the side but the second I land Koneko kicks me sending me flying into a tree. When I stand up I shot a bunch of Ki blast at Koneko taking her out of the rest of the match after seeing me take out Koneko Kiba wast no time before rushing at me but since I was ready for him I quickly do the hand sign's for Fireball justu I complete it right when he's in front of me making him take the hit in point blank range thus taking him out of the match.

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