Chapter 27: Clarity Makes Life Smoother

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Here's this chapter, I honestly didn't know what to write for this one, so whatever popped up in my head is what I wrote. It actually turned out longer than I expected.

- Zsari <3


It was 10 in the morning when Jazz woke up. Although she got 7 hours of sleep or something like that, she didn't sleep well. For an hour, all she could think about was Vincent being there in her living room. She poured out all her heart to him and he still didn't return anything back. She hated that he was holding back himself from her because he never did that before.

She laid on her back and tried 3 times getting up and strolled to her conjoint bathroom and brushed her teeth. After washing her face and moisturizing she stood by her door. She took a deep breath preparing herself to see Vincent.

"Good morning Jazzy, I wasn't sure when you were going to wake up so I made you breakfast, I'm sure you're hungry." He said setting up the breakfast table.

"I am, thank you." She said sitting at the table.

It was a very simple breakfast, from the looks of it, it looked like he had just gotten fresh croissants from the bakery across the street, which were the best. He also made scrambled eggs with cheese and turkey bacon, which was the only kind I eat, accompanied with coffee.

"Thank you so much, Vince. Lord knows I should be eating breakfast in the morning, but I've just been very lazy." He told him eating a croissant.

"Oh, sweetheart, you know you can't be slacking on eating, you're eating for two." He said squeezing her cheek like a little girl. He used to do all the time back then and one time slipped up and kissed her.

She laughed and pushed his hands away from her. She continued eating while he went back to his seat and stared at her.

She was rubbing her protruding stomach while she ate which was turning him on. She was even more beautiful pregnant with his child. In truth, he was still mad that she didn't tell him all this time. Maybe if she did, he would've done things differently but right now all he wanted was to at least be her friend again.

"So, how have you been liking it here?" He asked sipping his coffee.

"I love it here. It's such a different atmosphere around here but it feels a whole lot more friendly than New York. Don't get me wrong I love New York, but I feel like it's too busy to be raising a child. Paris is a city but there are so many nice places to go around here and I love it."

Was she trying to make him feel worse about himself even more? It was bad enough that he couldn't have her and that she was with someone else, but now she was saying that New York wasn't good enough.

"You're not planning on staying here right, like raising our daughter here?" He asked her, he was really hoping that wasn't her plan because that would break her.

"Well, I don't know, maybe. I'm not trying to keep you out of her life."

"Okay, well I think it's a bad idea if you even consider that. Your whole family is back home and so am I. It's bad enough you waited 7 months to tell me about this baby and you want to stay here."

"But I didn't say that Vi-"

"You didn't have to. You thought about it and I'm not going to let you do it all because of some man." He dragged out.

Jazz slammed her fork on the table, "Wow, and you're the one to talk, you have a fiancé that's controlling your life and you don't even know it but yet you're trying to control mine. I didn't ask to get pregnant by you. I didn't want this to happen and whatever I do in my love life is none of your business, so don't tell me what to do." She stood up and stormed over towards her window sill that faced the city.

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