Chapter 17: Enemy of my Enemy

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Central Park Zoo, Polar Bear Exhibit: July 11th 2014: 8:13 AM

Sgt. Crisp and the Last Resort squad wandered around the enclosure, which thankfully was polar bear free, trying to find a means of escape.

They had been here ever since their capture by the brainwashed Heroes Legion member Silicon.

Apparently the dude had been made to hide a part of himself in the truck carrying the MGA just in case anyone tried to muck around with it on its way to the next safe place of holding.

From what they gathered from Meta-Master once he had finished ripping of their suits helmets and probing their minds, he was done using it to make metahuman soldiers for his army.

Which meant he was getting ready to clean house and go global with it...maybe even set it off and turn hundreds of thousands within a three to four mile radius into metahumans while killing those not lucky enough to have possession of a dormant M-Gene.

Meta-Master had elected not to kill them when he found they didn't know about where the MGA was, but that didn't mean he wouldn't kill them later.

After all, he had imprisoned them here in this makeshift concentration camp...and these types of camps as going by their appearances in history's darkest times were not exactly a place where anything but death ever occurred.

Instead of a quick death, he was giving them what he was giving these people...a slow death.

Today was the day the figured the big inevitable massacre that was par the course for places like this that they had turned Central Park into had come when the heard a commotion coming from the south area of the park.

They couldn't see it, but knew it couldn't be anything else but a coming massacre.

They had to get out of there.

Problem was, they had been trying to do that all night.

Normally they would have just climbed out; the empty polar bear habitat wasn't that hard to break out of if one had the kind of armored battle suit they did.

Unfortunately, both Meta-Master and Silicon were too smart to allow them complete free range of their prison.

He had in fact thrown them in here with their suits still on, but restrained in a "Straight jacket" like harness developed by Silicon himself that kept them from just climbing out of the enclosure.

They thought their goose was cooked when they saw a demoness looking figure fly up into the sky and blast the crowd into oblivion with a glowing purple ball thingy.

They thought that their ticket had been punched when the door to their enclosure was blasted open.

Their fear was replaced with shocked surprise and glee when they saw Robo-Warrior walk through the door.

"It's Robo-Warrior!" Lt. Murphy exclaimed in relief.

"Kid?" Sgt. Crisps exclaimed, "You're alive?"

"Not just me sergeant..." Robo-Warrior confirmed, "Come on, let's get you to all to place where Meta-Master's forces can't find us. We'll explain everything when we're in the clear."

Battle-Falcon, Subway Tunnels: July 11th 2014: 10:23 AM

"Thank God Silicon made those same modifications to this vehicle that he had done to the Night Hawk you all use." Sgt Garcia exclaimed in relief as the Battle-Falcon roared down the subway tunnels, heading for south Manhattan.

"It's too bad you gave yourselves away because we got caught" Sgt. Crisp said in dismay.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we have the Battle-Falcon, and these suits...we are invisible to Meta-Master, Sonar, and Black Knight's radar" Techne assured the leader of the Last Resort Squad.

Heroes Legion:  "Year One": The Manhattan ProjectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang