Chapter 21: Wonder

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We often use the word "wonderful"
As if it simply means "great".
But wonderful means so much more than that.
Wonder is spinning in circles under the stars on a cold night
And seeing the little dipper for the first time.
Wonder is standing under a waterfall
And walking barefoot across the stones while you shiver in frigid yet beautiful waters.
Wonder is laying in warm grass on a Sunday morning
And watching the clouds turn into shapes and animals and people.
Wonder is sitting in an airplane for the first time,
And staring out the window and realizing you can see over the clouds
And feeling like you are flying far above the rest of the universe.
Wonder is the sudden awareness
Of the fact that you can call some friends your family.
Wonder is the feeling of laughter that won't stop
And you can't breathe, but you're so happy you don't care.
Wonder is noticing the sight of someone smiling at you
And you can't help but smile back.
Wonder is so vast
That you could find wonder
In anything
And everything.

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