Chapter 2

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Draco's Pov:
I quickly looked away, I tuned into what my friends were saying.I turned my head to see Pansy talking to Blaise and Crabble,I wasn't really involved in the conversation though, I just sat there and listened.

The feast was over and I rushed out leaving to the slytherin common room leaving all my friends behind.I ran into my room avoiding everyone and ran into my room and fell onto my bed and just laid there for a while.

I wasn't in the mood to deal with people today,I was just too tired but I couldn't seem to sleep. I looked down at my clock,The time showed 10:40.So I got up and when I knew everyone had gone to bed I snuck out and headed towards the black lake.
Harry's Pov:
Everyone had fallen asleep and I was left Bored and wide awake.I was sat there on my bed thinking about then I remembered my guitar,So I grabbed it,My invisibility cloak and the marauders map and headed to the one place that calmed me down the most,The black lake.

I threw the cloak over me,
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good"I chanted and the map showed there was nobody in the corridors so
I made a move.

I arrived at the lake.I placed my guitar,The map and my invisibility cloak down beside me and breathed in the fresh air.Then I gently picked up my guitar and started to play.
Draco's Pov:
I was sat there,My back against a tree,Staring into the lake.It was so peaceful. 'Crack' a twig broke a few metres away from me.I scrambled up and hid behind the tree before they noticed me.I saw nobody,until someone appeared out of nowhere, 'they have an invisibility cloak?' I thought to myself, 'How did they get that?' I thought until I noticed the mystery person had short black,Messy heat and a guitar?

They picked up the guitar and stated to play.I have never heard something so beautiful in my life.My heart was racing ,I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was amazing.I calmed down and tried to focus on who this person was until I realised it was none other that Harry James Potter himself.

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